Chapter 4

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Some nights nothing could drown out the shouting and fights; however, on those occasions, my mind would fill with escape plans. Where you're three years old and the most stable thing in your life has plastic eyes, there's a problem. Some say when parents fight (and I mean yell, hit, and scream) it's like pulling out the foundation of your child, but it's more than that. Sometimes it creeps into your psyche. "Is this all there is in the world? The fear with nothing to ward it off, but a stuffed toy and a blanket to hide under?"

I heard glass break and I shot out of bed, my first thought goes to my mom, and I run down the stairs towards the noise of the screaming. I get to the kitchen to see my mom on the ground blood all on her face and my father/her husband over her with a knife. I look at the situation then my whole body jumps forward leaping onto his back, pulling him away from her, and jerking him backward.

He drops the knife and tries to grab me; however, I keep dodging his hands till his wedding ring gets stuck in my hair causing me to let go send me downward where my breath is knocked out of my body. I struggle to my feet as he is now coming after me with a knife "you psychotic bitch" he yells coming at me and I'm almost to my feet when there is a pain in my left shoulder. I feel the tears coming to the surface and my eyes are becoming blurry.

A searing pain shot through the left side of my upper body, a scream escaping my pale lips as the devastating sounds bounced off the living room's wall. Yet, my father didn't seem at all bothered by the screams that came from me, his daughter. If anything, he seemed amused by the pain. My agony was his entertainment. He threw me on the ground and sent a single kick to my stomach, my father stood and went back over to my mother.

She was begging him to calm down, we both knew he wouldn't stop. I stood up and walked over and kicked him in the back of his leg watching him fall to the ground. I continuously kicked hearing his ribs breaking as my foot made contact with each swing. The tears were now spilling all down my face and as I held back his hand that held the knife away from my chest. Suddenly, a wave of strength came over me, causing me to turn his wrist and plunge the knife into his chest.

I went to my mom, her eyes were fading, and I could tell she was very weak. I helped her up with my side that wasn't bleeding profusely and we both hobbled to get up to the door. Apparently, the neighbors called the police and were just coming through the door as my mother and I got up. I pushed my mother towards the paramedics and watched as they put her in the van and took off. Once the van had left an officer, her name was Steven, she helped me walked to her car and even caught me when I began to fall. She drove me to the E.R and told the nurses and doctors my mother and I were now their top priority, that was the last thing I hear before it all went dark.


edited February 8, 2018

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