Chapter 21

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"Sweetie you have amnesia" the words rang through my mind over and over, but when someone barged into the room my mind. "Oh Emmett" the boy ran into the room and he was incredibly beautiful "oh princess I thought I lost you," he said crying into my shoulder. "I'm sorry, I don't know you," I said and he frowned "you don't?" he asked and I looked around and shook my head. "Sweetie" I looked over at Laura and she smiled "he's my son, you two are together" she smiled and I nodded. "Well, in that case, I guess you'll have fun replenishing my memory" I smiled and he came and hugged me tighter.

After the doctors came and talked to Laura and Paul and explained that if I was able to be cared for and watched over, that I could leave early. So I put on the clothes that Daniel got me, I learned his name was, I was ready to leave. Once in the car, everyone was telling me a little about themselves so that I knew the basics. Halfway through the ride home, Daniel asked if he could hold my hand and I smiled and nodded. Something inside of me pulled me towards him.

When we got to the house it was gorgeous and everyone smiled and explained that I did this the first time I had come to the house. We got out the car and I went and walked around the garden, I approached the biggest tree in the garden, and a smile carefully placed itself on my face. The wind in my hair was like a some in my ears, like old memories that I couldn't place my finger one. I touched the tree, tracing the pattern on the wood. "Emmett" I turned around and Ginger was standing there "come on sweetie there's lunch made, and I think you'd like some food" she smiled and I walked over to her.

After lunch, I walked around the house with Ginger and Lucy and they showed me around the mansion, I tried hard to remember the ways, but my mind started to hurt. "I hate to cut this tour short, but can you show me to my room" I looked at my feet "my head hurts," I said and they smiled "sure" Ginger smiled back and began to walk in the direction of my room. When we got to the room she said she would have Daniel run me up some of the medication that the doctors gave me. I thanked her and walked into the room, it was filled with pictures of Daniel and me, and I smiled at the smell of Daniel that filled my nose. I walked over to the pictures on the walls and smiled. There were only two, but I could still see how happy we were. These pictures weren't just conduits of Daniels' and I's relationship. They were the evidence of the beautiful souls that belonged even when we were at our worse.

Soon there was a knock at the door and I walked over and opened it, it was Daniel. "So here are your meds, I'll sleep on the couch since I don't think you want to sleep in the same bed" he gave me the pills and began to walk away. I frown "wait," I said and he turned "I don't remember anything, but if you I feel okay, so please stay," I said and he smiled and joined me in the same room. "Do you want to get a shower?" he asked and I nodded, he showed me the bathroom and showed me where my clothes and stuff were. I thanked him and walked leisurely into the steam filled room, and stepped into the hot water. I noticed all the bruises and scars over my body touching each one lightly.


edited February 8, 2018

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