The Jig Is Out!

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Artie's POV

I have to find Blaine and Finn maybe they can snap the sense out of Rick.

Kurt's POV

The weekend was over, and school was in....ugh! I got in my uniform, and off to school I went.

"Hey Kurt!"~Tina

"Hey Tina."~Kurt

"Have you seen Rachel? She's usually here by now."~Tina

"No, I haven't, maybe she's running late?"~Kurt

"But it's so unlike of her to do that though."~Tina

"I'm pretty sure she'll come aroun-"~Kurt


"Hey Merce-"~Kurt

"Rachel's missing!"~Mercedes

"What?"~Tina and Kurt

"She was taken away by Rick!"~Mercedes


"How could he?"~Tina

"It's true."~Mercedes

This is bad, this is very bad!

Blaine's POV

I was at my locker, until Artie came wheeling up to me.

"Hey Artie!"~Blaine

"Blaine, we have a problem..."~Artie

"What it is?"~Blaine

"It's with Rick....."~Artie

Tina's POV

I can't believe this is happening......Rachel.............

"Now she's gone..."~Jake

"We have to get her back!"~Kurt

Then three people came into our group.

"No, you have to fight!"~Artie

"Who are you?"~Tina

"Wait, Blaine?"~Kurt

"We know where she is."~Blaine

"She's hidden in Rick's attic."~Finn

"Why are you helping and telling us?"~Puck

"Because we want to help you settle this once and for all."~Blaine

Oh my god, that guy with gel-haired is so cute.

"Won't this mean you guys are betraying Rick?"~Mercedes

"Why won't they? I mean, he's already went over the line with kidnapping the dwarf so we have to go...."~Santana


"Todo Puerto Rico en el"~Santana -Translation: All Puerto Rico on him-

"I don't know what that means, but okay then."~Kurt

We all came up with a plan, but I wasn't listening that much because I kept looking at the guy named Blaine......

Blaine's POV

"If we sneak in the backyard maybe we can drag the ladder up to Rachel's window."~Blaine

"What if Rick notices?"~Santana

"Let's create a distraction, then!"~Kurt

"We have to play it safe though....."~Artie

"Rick's can tear us with his bare hands."~Blaine

"Well, we have to distract them before they all find out."~Mercedes

"Crossing over his property is bad enough."~Tina

"What if we have a rumble?"~Puck


"What if we have a-"~Puck

"We heard you but seriously?"~Kurt

"He's already taken away my home, then my sister!"~Puck

Puck had put his fists against the table in anger.

"Do you really want to have someone get hurt?"~Blaine

"Yet we're already on his side."~Puck

"Puck let's talk about this."~Jake

"No, my decision has been made!"~Puck

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