Lima Heights Adjacent Hospitality

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Santana's POV

"Where the heck is everyone?"~Santana

"Maybe there looking for more people?"~Brittany

"No we got most of them."~Santana

"Maybe they got captured by Rick?"~Brittany

"You're a genius!"~Santana

I kissed her on the lips, and when we pulled apart she was shocked.

"I'm so turned on by you right now."~Brittany

"Alright let's go find them!"~Santana

"What about them?"~Brittany

She's mention about the prisoners, and I think it's about time I give them something I've been meaning to do for a long time....

"Si intentas especar te hare desear que nuca hayas pisado en nuestra tierra!"~Santana -Translation: If you try to escape I'll make you wish you never stepped on our land!"-

"I don't know what that means, but what she said."~Brittany

Let's see if they feel threatened now!

Blaine's POV

We were all going to be taken away, and there was no way I would've let that happen. It was everyone's dream to be here, and now we were being treated as criminals?! In the back, I saw two shadows in the way, and something was up. When I took a closer look it happened to be Brittany and Santana!


The police guards had their eyes on Brittany and Santana, and I couldn't help but think that there was something-

"Escucha, soy de Lima Heights Adjacent, y estoy orgullosos! Sabes lo qu pasa en Lima Heights Adjacent? Cosas malas! -Translations: Listen, I'm from Lima Heights Adjacent, and I am proud. Do you know what happens in Lima Heights Adjacent? Bad things!-

In a quick of a flash the authorities had left running like chickens. I don't know what in the world happened, but that was awesome!

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