What's Up?

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Kurt's POV

For some weird reason everyone was here at Rachel's apartment, and if you ask me Santana and I had no clue what on earth was going on.

"Alright guys listen up."~Finn

"Where did you come from?"~Santana


"She means how did you get in here?"~Rachel

"Through the window."~Finn

"Just explain why everyone's here."~Kurt

"I have some news from Blaine and Puck."~Finn

"What is it?"~Mercedes

"They said that there friendship with Tina's brother is official, and they'll help us."~Finn

"There's something more to it, no?"~Kurt

"Yes......one of Mike's friends had seen Rick trying to convince other people to be on his side."~Finn

"Is it working?"~Artie

"Yes, but people haven't really decided whether to be on Rick's, our sides. Most people really want to stay out of it though."~Finn

"This can't be good."~Rachel

"What do we do?"~Mercedes

"They said just to stay calm, and we'll take care of it."~Finn



"I said no, we can't let them do this by themselves, we have to help them."~Kurt

"Kurt'd right, we can't stay in my place forever."~Rachel

"After what they did to you guys, do you really want to make Rick go after you guys even more?"~Finn

"But we had enough of this, I was captured for two days by him!"~Rachel

"We have to step up, and rise....otherwise we'll be sitting ducks here with nothing to do."~Kurt

"What will Blaine and Puck say?"~Finn

"It doesn't matter anymore, they did their job, it's our turn to do it."~Artie

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