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I woke up from a dream. I grabbed my phone on the side of my bed. It was 5:30. I groaned softly and went to the bathroom and showered. After it was 6:00. I got out the shower and putted on my contacts. I went to my room and put on my jeans, with a pink shirt that said "Heart Breaker", and blue flats. I put my watch and head out my room. I combed my hair and ate pancakes with eggs. I grabbed my backpack and went to the car with my family. After they dropped off my siblings at their new schools. I was last to get to school. I checked my watch 7:30. Class started on 7:45. As we arrived it was 7:40. I groaned and forgot my map to the school at home. Suddenly a tap on the shoulder made me jump. I turned to see a purple hair boy with a chubby orange hair boy behind him. "Oh hey. You must the new girl. Nice to meet you. I'm Randy Cunningham. And my friend here is Howard Weinerman." Howard waved with a smile painted on his face. "Sup new girl." I nervously said "Hello. I'm Emmilee." Randy smiled and said "nice to know your name Em." I felted a little nervous and wanted to leave. I looked at Randy quickly "Um. You wouldn't mind showing me my classes. I left my map." I was interrupted by Randy. "No problem! We'll guide you. Right Howie?" Howard nodded. I showed Randy and Howard my class. Randy recognized the classes. "Oh I knew these classes. Just follow me." Randy lead me to my first class. English. We walked inside in class. Randy and Howard went to their seats. I looked the class. It was bigger than my old high school class. I began to shake nervously. The teacher spoke his name Mr. Bannister. He spoke kindly "Please state your name and your information." I faced the class. I could feel creatures crawling on my back. I gulped and glance at Mr. Bannister. He rolled his name signaling me to speak. I looked at the class again and gulped softly and speaker with a nervous squeaky voice but instead of talking I shouted "Hello! I'm Emmilee Muñoz! I'm from Los Angles, El Monte! I'm 14 and I draw a lot! It'll be swell to be your friend!" I bowed quickly while hiding my embarrass face. Half of the class snickered but Randy spoke "Hey. Leave her alone. She's trying. She may be new, but it's not the brucing cheese to laugh at the newbie". Mr. Bannister set me behind Howard. I walked over my seat and kept my face hidden. As Mr. Bannister assigned us to make a paragraph. I wrote mines about being new.

-Towards Lunch-

I grabbed chocolate milk, French fries, and a peach yogurt. I walked around finding a seat. They were all organized to the types they were. I nearly tripped and got caught by a boy. I looked up to him. He had dark navy blue hair with pale blue eyes. He was wearing mascara. He grinned while laughing creepily. "I think I caught a new student by hand. Heheh". I stood up and shakes nervously. Julian stopped and spoke to me "don't be scared. Come sit with us." He showed his friends sitting with him. A dark purple hair with a different color stride. Wearing a yellow dress with white and blue stripes. A brunette boy with hat and overalls and little mustache. And a red hair wearing overalls with red and white stripes. "Meet Theresa Fowler, Dave, and Juggo." They all waved at me. I waved back. Theresa scoot over to make room for me. I sat next to her. "We're playing a game. Would you like to join us?" I nodded softly "S-sure." Theresa could tell I'm scared and said to me with a kind voice to soothe me. "Hey don't worry. No one isn't judging you. Except one. I won't tell you but I want you to be away from him. Other than that. Be calm. Right here. This is a place to be happy. Stay happy." I told them my name and they liked it. As Julian explained the game rules. I ate my lunch and but I felt nervous. As I grabbed my tray. I walked and looked at my new friends. Without looking I bumped into a boy and spilled my left over yogurt and spilling my milk on his clothes. Based on his clothes. He wore a band attire. I looked to his face and gasped softly. I could tell he was mad. I hid my face and ran to the bathroom with a upset face. Julian and his friends saw it. They saw my fears. Theresa chased after me. The boy groaned and went to the bathroom to change his clothes. As I ran into a girl bathroom, I ran into a stall and locked myself inside. Theresa looked for me and noticed a stall locked. I curled up as tears fell down my cheek. I pulled out my notebook where I draw. I muttered softly while crying "I screwed up. I'm such a loser." I didn't noticed a green smoke fluttering to me. I felt my body changed. I closed my eyes and opened and roared like a monster.

As students heard a roar. Suddenly a monster bursts through the wall. It trills cruelly. Julian only grinned. But fear consumed him and ran with his friends. The monster saw the boy walked in and stomps over to him. The doors shutted behind the boy. He gulped. His sunglasses fell off his face revealing fear in his eyes. The monster felt scared and stepped back. In its hand reveal a notebook with a glowing green hoops holding it. A ninja appear and noticed the book and sliced the rings and the monster revealed me as I return to normal but I was on the air and boy ran to me and caught me in his arms. The ninja smoke bombed away. I opened my eyes and saw the boy face. I recognized the boy and quickly got off his arms and quickly said "I'm so sorry! I'll clean your band attire for you! Please don't hate me!" The boy. He chuckled softly. He walked to his sunglasses and place them on. He walked to me and lifted my chip. He hand signaled me. "Don't worry. I'm not mad. The names Stevens. And I believe saving you may have cleared your chance." I nervously sighed. I looked away upset about ruining his band attire. He moved my face so I can face him. He hand signaled me again "don't be upset. I got to be saved by the ninja. Which is cool. Thanks." I said nervously "Your welcome." He signaled again "For a new girl like you, your cute." I flustered nervously. Theresa walked in and pulled my hand "come on. I found your class schedule. You have the same classes with me. Come on". Stevens followed us since we share the same class

As school ended, Stevens walked up to me as Theresa glared at him and she turned away while crossing her arms. Stevens hand signaled me "Hey your free today? I was wondering if you wanna hang out." I replied "umm. I'll ask my parents." Theresa answered "Sorry. She's coming with me to Julian house to play our games and study." She pulled my arm as I got my phone and texted my phone I'll be hanging out with new friends. She accepted and I smiled softly. I made new friends. But did I got a crush? And did my crush talk well sorta talked to me? Geez the new day at school is weird.

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