Meeting a foe whose jealousy consume them

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I was walking to school with my friends. Julian, Theresa, Dave, Juggo, Randy, and Howard. It was going great. We were waiting for class to start since it was 6:59. I always say the early birds gets the worm. We were inside the cafeteria chatting and making laughs. Until a girl wearing a band attire walked over with a mad face. I looked at her and stood to talk to her. "Are you okay? Did someone upsetten you?" I asked. I learned to speak a bit more different from Julian. Before the girl spoke. She slapped my cheek so harsh I fell to the ground with paralyze on my cheek. It turned from a pale brown to a red blood hand mark. I looked at her with fear while tears slowly stream down my face. She shouted at my face before Julian start to bite her to nightmares. "Stay away from Stevens! He's supposed to be mines! If you don't leave him alone, I'll make sure he'll hate you forever!" And she stormed away. I whimpered softly while tears still falling. Dave helped me up while Juggo help dry my tears. I kept whimpering while touching my cheek with a hand mark. "Sheesh Flute girl was harsh on you." Said Juggo while getting out a mark up kit. He took out a blush brush and skin color powder and covers my bruised cheek. "Why would she do that?" I said in a wary voice. "It's because she has a major crush on Stevens, Emmilee." Said Theresa. "This is another warning. Some girls really like him. If they see another girl he likes, their doomed." I felt scared and sad. Julian hugged me to his embrace. "Don't be scared. Just be happy. We're here for you." I could only smile softly. My new friends can make me happy. I turned to see another student who's wearing a band attire like Stevens and Flute Girl. "I'm sorry what Flute Girl did to you. She's really jealous." He replied. I sighed and said "It's alright. I didn't knew she liked him. I'm Emmilee by the way." He replied "I'm Bucky Heinsletter." I smiled. "Why don't we be friends Heinsletter." He smiled and hugged me tightly "Yay! I have a new friend!" I chuckled and hugged back. We chatted about our childhood. As Randy and Howard and Bucky left. Julian grinned. "Now let's tell each other secrets." The rest of the Monster Klub told theirs. They looked at me as I haven't spoken my dark memory. "Don't be shy. We promise it's safe with us." I breathed softly and calmed down. And spoke "Alright. My secret is." As I whispered to them my secrets. Juggo, Dave, and Theresa looked at Julian with a face as he told a lie. "Don't worry. It's safe with us." Said Julian as he giggled. The rest laughed nervously. I checked the time it was 7:05. I chatted to the Klub members with the dates I've been with Stevens from the past few weeks. I told them we became boyfriend and girlfriend yesterday. Theresa rolled her eyes while the males applauded as I achieve romance. I smiled and said "come on guys. Don't embarrass me." I laughed softly.

After a while to Lunch. I was playing Monsters with the Der Monster Klub and Randy and Howard and Bucky. I was playing as a ravage heart confuse beastress with the form of a nightmare monster no one dares to mess with. I rolled the die and it stopped as I rolled the number 5. The Der Monster Klub members gasped at my roll. Julian grinned "Finally. It's time to unleash our inner beasts within us!" I tilted my head until Julian screamed out Juggo, Dave, and Theresa secrets. He pointed his hands towards me as he shouted with glee. "And little miss Emmilee here. Has a secret she has been dying to keep hidden permanently." I begged loudly before Julian can speak again. "Julian don't you dare! You promise me!" I cried. Julian revealed my deepest secret. "That Emmilee has a dark past she regrets to tell. It is that she always doubts herself even she's talented. She's afraid of her insecurities and thinks she's just a mistaken to top it off. She also been with 3 boyfriends but they went so badly. She's even scared to be involved in difficult romance relationships." I cried softly and the Der Monster Klub members turned into angry monsters. The rest sent out to find the true monsters they hate. I growled and sown my eyes on Flute Girl. I chased her to the gym with a sickening grin. "Bye bye little girl!" I roared but was stopped as a ninja appeared so quickly. We battled while Flute Girl flees. As the Der Monster Klub members arrived as monsters. Randy destank us all by slicing the die in half. Everyone groaned in ache and stood up. Stevens happened to run over to me with worry. Before he helped me up. I held out a hand to signal him. "No. I don't need help." As I stood up. I sighed softly. "Stevens. Your really sweet to me over the past few weeks. I know we just became girlfriend and boyfriend. But. I think we should other people." I could've sworn I heard Stevens heart shattered. He stuttered softly and I said softly to him. "There are many girls wanting your love. And I'm just in the way of that. I'm sorry. But. At least it wasn't you who ended our relationship. I hope you found a better girl who you can love." I left with tears falling down my cheeks. I turned to him softly as Flute Girl ran over to him and held his hand. "Are you okay Stevens???" She asked him. He said softly to her. "I don't know if I am. I just got broken up with my only girlfriend I just made." He sobs softly and Flute Girl comforts him. I turned away and leaves them alone with Randy/Ninja and the monster Klub members watching. Flute Girl turned to the direction I was before and smirked softly. "I hope you learn your lesson. Emmilee. I told you. I will get Stevens to hate you. At least you know not to mess with me!" She thought to herself.

At midnight. I stood outside the house of the Der Monster Klub president. I was feeling the pain again. I saw a rose and stroked it gently. "I'm sorry....." I said softly. I turned to see the front door open with Julian in his purple bat and spider pajamas. "Emmilee". He groaned while rubbing his eye. "Come back inside. You might catch a cold. Come on. I'm sleepy." He complained. I nervously chuckled softly "I'm sorry Julian. I promise I won't do this again." I walked back inside the house with Julian and rested in bed with Theresa as we share beds. Since my parent decided I could stay over at Julian house for a while. I closed my eyes. But Theresa could hear my small whimpers and held me close to her embrace. She whispered to my ear. "Don't worry. You'll get a boyfriend soon." And rested her chin on my head. A single tear shredded down my cheek. I feel safe with Theresa and my friends around. I just wish Stevens understood my true feelings hidden underneath my eyes.

Will me and Stevens get together again? Or will we be torn apart from each other again? That choice isn't ours. It's up to the creator of us.....

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