A Huge Misleading Move

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It was prom night. I was standing alone at the punch bowl with Julian and Juggo. I took a cup of punch but Juggo put his hand on my arm. "Emmilee. You need to stop. You already drank like 19 cups of punch. You need to chill out." I sighed and nervously chuckle "Yeah your right." I said. "Emmilee, you've been acting strange lately over the past few weeks. What's the matter?" Julian asked. I sighed and said "Just love problems. I'm going to the bathroom to cool off for a bit." I set the cup of punch on the table and left to the bathroom.

Stevens walked by the table and saw Julian and groaned in disgust. He wouldn't forget the time he made the Klub monster out and signaled to Julian in disgust "Hello Creepy Goth Bat Boy". Julian growled lowly "Hello Stevan's." Juggo glared at Stevens. Stevens signaled "Where's Emmilee. I need to talk to her." Julian spoke up "Just miss her." Only in a disgust tone at Stevens. Theresa walked by glaring at Stevens "What do you want Stevens?"

Meanwhile in the girls bathroom. I was washing my face and stared at my reflection. "Its been a week and your friends are suspicious about your behavior lately. Just face facts. But Theresa mean it not to love Stevens. But why?" I asked myself. I walked back to the dance while drying my face. I saw Stevens. I almost walked over but I saw Theresa. But she looked mad. I begin to eavesdrop on them. Theresa shouted on Stevens face "Listen Stevens. If you don't leave Emmilee alone. Your face will be a ugly slug! You think your so slick and sly. But deep down you just want girls in despair. You hurted me before. I won't let you hurt more girls again!" She punched Stevens on the face and he fell back onto the table and caused the bowl of punch to soak him in it. Everyone laughed at Stevens punishment for being a Tom cat. He ran outside without showing his pain. My eyes widen. I ran over Stevens. I ran outside and heard sobs coming from the tree. I walked over and saw Stevens crying. J sat down next to him and leaned my head on my shoulder. Stevens stopped and raised his head and looked at me. His sunglasses were off and his eyes was still flowing with tears. I replied to him "Hey. I'm sorry. For acting harsh on you from a week ago. Theresa told me about you. Then I let my fear get to me. I panicked. I'm so sorry Stevens. Do you forgive me?" I looked at his face and he finally spoked with a teary voice "Yes. I forgive you." He smiled softly and peck my cheek with his soft lips. I blushed to a bright red. I smiled softly and chuckled softly after noticing punch dripping down on Stevens face. "You should get dry before you get a cold dude." He laughed softly and place his sunglasses on. He grinned and held my hand and signaled to me "Every time I look at the stars. I only see you instead. Your my world. And I'm your kingdom." I laughed softly at this signal words. "That was pretty cheesy man." He sighed softly hoping that caught my heart. I said softly to him. "Did it hurt when you fall?" He looked at me while raising his eyebrows while being curious about what meant. I said to him "When you fall in love with me." He started to laugh and pushed me teasingly. "Now we're even." I said. He smiled at me. We stare at the full moon while holding hands. Just being with him. Made me feel better again. I just hope the gang would understand my love for Stevens.

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