Chapter 22- Straight to the Couch

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I yawned, and sat up in my bed.

"Damn, it's too early to be alive," I thought.

I went over to my closet to put on a hoodie, but the one I wanted to wear wasn't there.

"Mikey probably took it again," I thought.

I found a sweater instead and got my jeans on, and went to class.


It was a busy day at work. There were a lot more customers, today. But no Cameron.


When I got home, I went straight to the couch. I just wanted to watch the new episode of (favorite show) and eat. I got myself some (food) and turned on the TV. Then I got a text from Mikey.

Mike-ro-Wave: Hey, Kitten. Mum says hi. I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to text you today. We went to the beach and then ate at this really good restaurant that had fine ass pizza. I love you.

: It's okay. Don't worry about having to text me everyday. It's your vacation, enjoy it. Pizza sounds great. I love you too. 

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