How am I supposed to tell him what happened..?

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Here's my first proper chapter here it goes

VOTE,COMMENT,FAN tell me what you think of it


Harry's P.O.V

I waited patiently in my room for Louis while fiddling with my hem of my shirt.

What if Louis never came up, of course he will Harry, He will talk to you about anything he is your best friend just stop thinking like that. After a while I thought he wouldn't come so I got ready for bed. Just as I was about to go to sleep I heard a slight knock on my bedroom door. I slowly managed to get myself up off the bed and started to make my way to the large wooden door. I shakily grabbed the brass door knob and slowly crept it open to reveal a very worried Louis.

Whats wrong with him he's never like this at all, he usually comes straight in and jump on my bed, but no he's standing outside of the door while looking down mumbling to himself.

'how am i supposed to tell him i love him..' he murmured to himself.

He loves me.. no he wouldn't, would he..

''Louis''. he looked up a bit to quickly and knock his head on my chin.

''oww why did you have to do that so quickly'' I fumbled back a few steps while Louis quickly looked away and slowly placed himself on my bed.

''I'm sorry Haz I was just thinking and you startled me, so I jumped''.

''It's ok boo'' I exclaimed while rubbing my very sore head. I slowly made my way to my bed and sat down right next to Louis, without realising I pretty much sat on him.

''get off me harry, please", He never calls me harry something is up with him I can tell, why doesn't he just tell me whats wrong. He either calls me Haz or well anything but Harry. I lay my head on my headboard of my bed and start to think of what might be wrong.

Louis P.O.V

He will never understand if I tell him what I did. He will hate me for it so I will never tell him, he can try and force it out of me but I never will give in to his cheeky smile and his gorgeous emerald green eyes. You have to stop thinking like that Louis, he doesn't love you in that way. I snapped out of my thoughts by Harry waving his hands in front of me.

"yes Haz", I said a bit to harshly without realising it. "I'm sorry Haz I just have a lot on my mind at the moment".

"why don't you tell me whats wrong so I can help you through it.." Harry explained while pulling my chin up so i was looking into his eyes.

" I can't Haz". I dropped my gaze. "It's nothing Haz really".

"please boo, I can help you through it, I know there is something on your mind, please just tell me", he grabbed my chin again forcing me to look into his eyes.

"Fine," I huffed, "Look you can't tell anyone about this ok, but when I was younger I started harassing this boy because he was different," I could feel my eyes starting to water but I managed to continue, "His name is Marcus, he was a good guy until he told me he was gay and in love with me, that's when he tried to make a move on me.


Marcus and I were sitting on the couch at his house watching cars, when Marcus told me.

"I ne..need to te..tell you something" he stuttered but managed to get it out. Why is he stuttering for, he knows he can tell me anything.

"Yeah Marcus you can tell me anything."

"Ok here it goes I uhh.. think I might be .. Uhmm .. Gay." Marcus is gay no this can't happen. I didn't know what to think my best friend might be gay, no I will not allow that, he should love girls, not guys.

"I'm sorry but I have to do this," suddenly I felt something being forced on my lips, I examine what it was and soon realized it was Marcus' lips. This cannot be happening my best friend thinks he's gay and now is trying to kiss me, no this cannot happen. I pushed Marcus off of me, grabbed my stuff and left without saying anything or even looking back to see that face over again. I sprinted down the road and let my legs take me where ever they wanted. I soon found myself at an empty park with only a swing and a slide to accompany it. I made myself comfortable against the only tree in the park and started to cry. I don't know what was wrong with him but he knows that I hate gays and always will.

A week after my so-called best friend kissed me I've been thinking of a plan to make his life miserable because of his sexuality. I finally came up with a brilliant idea and rang my friends to help me with my plan. I was going to announce to the whole school that he is gay and then my friends would give him a beating after school. That Friday, me and my friends waited outside the school waiting for Marcus. We saw a familiar figure approaching our way and went over our plan once more, so we knew what we were doing and didn't make any mistakes. I pulled Marcus by the hem of his shirt down the dark alleyway and yelled out at him.

"YOU KNOW I HATE GAYS SO THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR TRYING TO KISS ME!" I made contact with his nose with my fist. He yelped in pain and shock, and slid down the wall clamping onto his bleeding nose. I threw a couple more punches and kicks, that's when my friends joined me, kicking, punching, harassing all sorts. Why am I even doing this, this isn't right. I got up off Marcus and ran off and left my friends to finish him off.


''Louis, LOUIS !, you zoned out completely and I couldn't get you back, please just tell me what happened", Harry explained worriedly.

"I'm sorry Haz, I was completely drawn by my thoughts, and it's nothing you need to worry about, please can we just go to sleep, I don't want to talk about," I got up from Harry's bed and started walking towards my room when I tripped over something that was on the ground. I was waiting for the hard ground to appear under me but it never happened. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist, I felt a shiver go down my spine. I hope he didn't realise but I guess he did.

"you cold Boobear", Harry whispered in my ear, I shivered again

" I'm fine Haz" Now that was a close one.


Hey guys I'm sorry for not uploading quick enough but im trying my best, it's my first fanfic so still getting used to it anyway I hope you like it

What do you guys think will happen, do you think Louis will end up telling harry about what happened to Marcus or not ,

Please leave a comment and tell me what you think of it so far xx fan vote comment please

Love Lesha xx (=

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