4. We found him!

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Liam's Point of View  

When I and Danielle were driving in my car, we were talking about what happened to Harry. 

"Danielle, if we don't find him?" I asked my girlfriend. 

"Don't worry Li, we will find him" she said, calming me down a little bit. 

"Or what if we find him dead, Louis will cry for the rest of his life" I say and I start to cry. 

"Liam, don't worry, baby. We will find him. I promise you" she said, as she kissed my cheek.

She was driving the car, when we saw a truck, that was in the middle of the road and there was an ambulance with the doctors and the police running around the car. 

"I think Zayn heard the ambulance coming, when he Harry called him" I said, thinking and looking at the ambulance and all the police cars. 

Danielle stopped the car and we quickly got out.

We walked hand in hand to the ambulance, where we saw a familiar car, crashed into the truck.

It was Harry's black Range Rover. 

I then started to cry and I ran towards the ambulance, where the doctors stopped me, but when they saw me who I was, they let me through. 

Danielle took out her phone to call Eleanor and so did I to call the boys. 

When I finished calling the boys me and Danielle walked to the ambulance and saw Harry. 

Harry was laying on the hospital bed, all covered with bruises and scars from the accident.

There was blood everywhere. Around his face and on his legs and also on his now bare stomach. 

Danielle let go of my hand and walked over to the doctor to talk about Harry. 

I then walked over to Harry and at that moment I heard cars stopping and doors closing shut. 

I then turned around and I saw the boys and the girls were here to be with our brother Harry. 

I am sad that he doesn't have a girlfriend. I am sure he will find one soon. 

But love is love. We don't know when it can happen to us. 

I told the boys about Harry's condition and Danielle also came and told us what the doctors told her, when she was talking to them about him. 

We were all really sad, but we knew that our Harry is strong and that he will make it. 

Because without Harry, we are not One Direction. 

(409 words) 

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