23. Remembering how to walk

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Iris's Point of View 

The Next Day

I woke up in somebody's arms. 

They were Harry's arms.

Harry was sleeping next to me. 

His chest was rising up and down normally.

I just stared at him. 

He was sleeping like an angel!

He must have noticed somehow that I was staring at him, because he opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Good morning, Beautiful" Harry said.

"Good morning, Handsome" I said.

He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Would you like me to help you remember how to walk?" I asked.

"Yes, I would love to" he said.

"So, first try to get up slowly" I instructed him.

"Okay" he said, 

 He removed the blanket and slowly put his legs on the ground.

"Okay, that's done" he said. "Now what?"

"Now try to stand up, slowly" I said.

"Okay" he said, as he tried to get up from the bed, but he failed, by falling on the bed.

I got up and walked to Harry. I took his both hands and tried to get him up, which worked. 

He stood up on the ground. 

His body was swaying a little bit, but I held him tight. 

I then said:

"Okay, now try to make a step forward with your right foot" I said.

"Okay" he said and he took a step.

He managed to do it right. 

After a few seconds, Harry was walking like he never forgot how to walk. 

I cheered:

"You remember!" I said. "You can walk normally!"

"Yes" he said.

"Okay, for a good job" I said. "Come here and kiss me!"

He practically ran to me and kissed me on the lips. 

This kiss was DIFFERENT from the others we had already. 

It was full of love and passion.

"I love you Iris" Harry said, interrupting my thoughts.

"I love you too, Harry" I said, giving him a peck on the cheek.  "I'll go ask the doctor, if you could check out today, okay?" 

"Okay, beautiful" he said.

I stormed out of the room and ran to the doctors office. 

I knocked on his door and he said:

"Please come in" he said.

I came in and and asked the doctor:

"Hey, doctor" I said. "I want to ask you. Can Harry check out today, because he remembers how to walk?"

"Yes, he can" the doctor said. "But promise me that, if he trips over something or he isn't okay, just call me, okay?"

"I promise" I said. "Thank you, doc"

"I will tell the receptionist that Harry is leaving" he said.

I ran straight to Harry's room. 

When I came in, I saw Harry was already packing, as if he knew the answer.

I said:

"He let you check out today" I said.

"Really?" he said.

"Yes" I said.

Before I knew it, I was wrapped in Harry's arms.

I put my head on his left shoulder.

"So are you ready to go?" I asked, when we broke the hug.

"Yes, I'm ready" he said.

He then grabbed my hand, took my hand and we walked out of the hospital, checking Harry out of the hospital.

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