11. Harry might not walk again

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Doctor's Point of View

I was sitting in my room, when one of the nurses, Amy, came to my room. 

"Hey, Doc, I've got two bad news" she said. 

"Tell them to me" I said. 

"Well, first bad new is about the woman who was in room 216" she said and stopped. 

"She passed out this morning, about 10 o'clock" she continued. 

"That's really bad news" I said.  "The second news are about what?"

"Remember the boy, who was carried in this morning by his mates?" she asked me. 

"Harry, right?" I said. 

"What about him?" I asked the nurse. 

"Well, here is his resultsand they are really bad" she said.

She gave me a pile of papers and she left. 

I looked over the papers and the last one caught my eye. 

I looked at that paper which was Harry's body report and I almost screamed. 

"He may not be able to walk" I said to myself. 

That's really bad. 

I will tell him when he wakes up.

I wonder how will he take the news. 

Speaking about that, maybe he already woke up? 

(184 words)

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