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It's been a while since the copycat incident. Cas still has nightmares from it,  but Dean is always there to comfort him. They don't really talk about what happened. And aside from the two of them and Sam,  no one knows what really happened, though Gabriel may have his ideas about what happened.

Now it seems they're closer than before. Cas now has no problem with Dean being Cain, which makes Dean happy. Cas spends all his time writing his book now. It's nearly finished, and Dean thinks it's written perfectly. And since it's almost done, they've started planning their wedding. It will be small like they want, not many guests, but that's okay with them. They just won't have a definite date until the book is finished and published.

Even now Cas is in the living room typing away at his typewriter. Dean offered to get him a computer, but Cas refused,  said he prefers writing on the typewriter.

Dean is currently in the kitchen, prepping food for dinner, listening to the classic rock station on the radio. He expertly slices the vegetables he's going to put on the salad. Not that he's going to be eating it,  but he knows Cas enjoys salads and he's been so busy with the book lately that he hasn't eaten a proper meal.  Hell, if it weren't for Dean,  Cas would completely forget to eat at all,  him being so focused on writing.

The sharp knife slices through the veggies cleanly, as Dean had sharpened the knives just yesterday. Dean chuckles as one of his favorite songs comes on, Carry on My Wayward Son. He dances around, singing and cutting, pretty much being an absolute dork.

But suddenly the mood is ruined by a loud scream coming from the living room.  Dean's heart freezes for a moment before he turns on his heels and rushes to the kitchen doorway. He fears the absolute worst, thinking the copycat is somehow not dead and had come back for revenge.

"Cas!" Dean shouts. He is just about to leave the kitchen when he runs into a solid body. It takes him a moment to recognize the feel of warm liquid drench his hand. He hadn't set the knife down when he heard the scream. This is first time in his life he didn't get a rush of excitement from the feel of blood on his hands as he looks into the wide blue eyes of his fiance.

"Dean?" Cas gasps,  glancing down at his stomach where the kitchen knife is protruding from.

"Oh god, Cas," Dean blinks at the blood coming from the wound he just gave him. His grip is still tight on the knife as he pulls it back,  even more blood spills out. So many times he's imagined something like this happening, it almost seems like this is just another dream. The knife falls from his hand and clatters to the ground.

Cas pitches forward and Dean is quick to grab him, gently lowering him on the ground.

"Dean..." Cas whimpers.  "It hurts,  Dean." Tears spring in his eyes as he grasps onto Dean's shirt.

"Fuck, no don't cry, it's gonna be okay." Dean looks him over,  panic setting in. Tears start to form in his own eyes. He puts pressure on the knife wound. It's really bad,  had he not taken out the knife maybe Cas would have had a chance,  but Dean has been at this long enough to know Cas won't survive this, even if he calls for help.

"There w-was a s-spider," Cas says between breaths.

"Shhh, baby, don't talk." Dean can feel a tear slip down his face. He goes to wipe it,  not even noticing the blood he smears on his face.

"D-Dean," Cas whimpers. His face is growing pale as his shirt gets soaked with more blood. Deans hands are now completely covered.

"It's okay baby, I'm right here." Dean starts sobbing,  pulling Cas closer. "I'm so fucking sorry, baby. Fuck, I'm sorry!" Dean lets his tears flow. 

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