Chapter 27

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Dean looks at his ringing phone. He almost didn't even know it was ringing since he put his phone on silent.

"Hang on, Sammy, Cas is calling." Dean answers the phone.

"Hey babe, what's up?"

"I'm guessing you're at the office again?" Cas asks softly.

"Yeah, sorry, I lost track of time." Dean responds, looking at the clock on Sam's office wall. It's nearly eight at night.

"It's okay, If you haven't eaten, I could stop by that diner you like and get you a burger and some pie." Cas suggests.

"That's sounds great. Don't forget extra onions." Dean grins.

"How could I possibly forget?" Cas chuckles. "I'll pick up Sam a salad as well."

"See you in a bit." Dean smiles.

"You need to go home?" Sam asks.

"Nah, Cas is coming here with food." Dean shakes his head. They go back to discussing the case.

It's about an hour before Dean checks the time again. He frowns. Cas should probably have been here by now.

"Something wrong?" Sam asks when he notices Dean's frown.

"It's been an hour, Cas should be here by now, don't you think?" Dean tries to ask casually.

"Yeah, maybe he's just running a little late. The food probably took too long." Sam says.

"Probably." Dean nods slowly, though he isn't very sure. Something seems very off. He pulls out his phone and checks his messages. There's one text from Cas.

Leaving the diner now, I'll be there in five minutes 😘

The message had been sent almost half an hour ago. Dean quickly calls Cas. It rings and rings, but no answer, finally it goes to voicemail.

I don't understand, why do you want me to say my name?

Dean hangs up and tries again. Once again it goes to voicemail.

"Something isn't right." Dean murmurs. He gets up. "I'll be right back." He walks through the building and out to the parking lot. He spots Cas' gold Continental right away. He calls Cas again as he moves towards the car. He can faintly hear Cas' ringtone from inside the car as he gets closer.

He freezes when he gets to the drivers side. Three cups of coffee are spilt on the ground from being dropped, the cup holder is near them. The bag of food is on the ground as well. But Dean's main focus is on something else entirely. On the window of the driver door is blood, drawn into the shape of his mark, but he knows damn well he didn't put it there.

Tucked in the window is a piece of paper. Dean grabs it with a shaky hand. It only has two words on it, but these words send a chill down his spine.

Your move

Someone knows who he is. More specifically, the copycat knows.

Dean studies the words. It's hand written, but he doesn't recognize the writing. It's in red ink, the copycat though he was being clever with that, like he was writing with blood.

He growls and shoves the paper in his pocket, not wanting anyone else to see it. He shakes with fury as he calls Sam now.

It doesn't take long for Sam's team to all get there and start investigating.

"You're sure it's the copycat?" Sam asks.

"Yes I'm fucking sure. Cain is a killer, he wouldn't waste time by kidnapping someone."

"Dean, I'm so sorry." Sam says softly.

"Save your sympathy," Dean snaps. "Just do your job and find him." He knows he shouldn't take his anger out on Sam, but the fury that's building inside of him is getting out of control.

"We will do everything we can to find him." Sam nods. "I just don't understand why he would take Cas."

To show his dominance, Dean thinks to himself, instead he says; "I don't fucking know either, Sammy. But we need to get him back alive." Dean clenches his fists.

"I think you should go home," Sam speaks gently as not to set his brother off.

"The fuck I am." Dean growls. "I'm not gonna go sit at home and wait for something to happen, I'm going to fucking try and find my fiance. Who went missing in your fucking parking lot." Dean glares at the cars around him.

Sam shakes his head and walks off, knowing Dean needs his space right now.

Your move the note had said. Well what the fuck is he supposed to do? He doesn't even know who the copycat is, not a fucking clue. He needs to cool down; his anger is only clouding his judgement.

Dean stalks over to his car and peels out, driving to the trails. He gets out of his car and walks beneath the trees. It starts to calm him enough to where he can think clearly.

The most pressing question isn't how the copycat found out who he was, but how he found out that Dean killed Dick. Not even a whisper of it has been put in the news. There is no way he would know unless-

Dean stops walking. "Unless he has access to that information." Dean says aloud, frowning deeply.

Very few people know about it. Aside from the FBI, the mortician, Cas, and Dean, no one else knows. Now Zachariah, sure he has an odd fascination with dead bodies being a mortician and all, but he isn't killer material. Cas would never be able to kill any one, besides, he's the one missing right now. That leaves someone in the FBI. Most likely someone close to the case.

Not Sam or Charlie, they wouldn't do the things that the copycat has done. No- he can't think of this as Dean, he needs to think as Cain. Okay Sam and Charlie are still out, they were both in the building within the time frame that Cas went missing.

That still leaves everyone else. If he's going to narrow it down he's going to have to study all of them intently. And he swears on all things holy that if whoever it is hurts Cas, he will torture them slowly before killing them.

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