Chapter 4

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Percy POV
The Gods flashed in. "Perseus Jackson, for your bravery and heroic efforts do you accept Godhood?"Zeus asked. "Yes, but you must swear on The River Styx to Grant me 3 wishes as well"I replied. "We swear"They said as thunder boomed sealing the oath. Zeus blasted me with godly energy. The Fates appeared in a flash of Gold Lightning. "All hail Perseus or Vortex, God of All Elements, Time, Space, Matter, Gravity, Magic, Reality, The Eclipse, Monsters, Weapons, Weaponry, Doors, Dimension, Domains, Creation, Destruction, Light, Darkness, Oblivion, Life, Death, The Faded, The Wild, Power, Energy, Might, Speed, Strength, Stealth, Agility, Endurance, Health, Handsomeness, Knowledge, Youth, Strategies, Tactics,  Warcraft, Fear, Panic, Pain, Hope, Immortality, Mortality, Invincibility, Invulnerability, Indestructiblity, Impenetrability, Rewards, Punishments, Blessings, Curses, Oaths, Vows, Lasers, Secrecy, Secrets, Truth, Lies, Freedom, Justice, Shadowfire, Hellfire, Darkfire, Red Lightning, Black Lightning, Purple Lightning, Eclipse Fire(Sky Blue), Mystic Fire(Sea Green), Atlantean Fire(Sea Blue), Nutrition, Family, Food, Love, Hatred, Compassion, Deception, Persuasion, Assassins, Bandits, Warriors, Hunters, Spies, Knights, Angels, Soldiers, Heroes, Loyalty, Betrayal, Honor, Bravery, Danger, Disaster, Quests, Heat, Cold, Adaptation, Hunting, and Cleverness, The 15th Olympian, The King of Olympus, Sacred Animal: All hounds, Dragons, Phoenixes, Pegasi, and Sea Creatures, Weapon: His Trident"The Fates declared before flashing out in a flash of Gold Lightning. A black vortex opened and Chaos stepped out. "I am making you a Primordial. If I don't you would burn up if you take on your true godly form. Your Domains will be the same just a lot more powerful"Chaos said while blasting me with a beam of power. "I Chaos, Creator of The Universe do hereby claim Vortex as my adopted son, heir, and champion and Grant him The position of King of All Galaxies"Chaos before he shot another beam of power into me. A Gold and Black crown appeared on my head. I am now 8'0. I also have an awesome 12 pack. "Poseidon, I hereby crown you The New King of Olympus"I said. My eyes are no longer black but they are Gold now.

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