Chapter 4~ Concerns

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Tris's POV


I wake in the dormitory, my hair is brushed to the side and flat where I slept on it. Christina is beside me nudging my shoulder.

"Wake up, we're gonna be late for breakfast!" She laughs looking to my hair.

I groan and smile back, brushing my hair back. I put on a tank top and leggings and we make our way to the cafateria. We take a seat near Will and Al. Four sits next to Zeke, and I cast a glance over at Eric. He sits with a group of Dauntless I don't recognize.

"So... Where were you last night?" Christina probs.

"Oh, just exploring the many tunnles in Dauntless..." I trail off.

"Oh really? Cause thats not what I saw..." She smirks.

"Oh well, It must have been someone else..."

"Tris!" She laughs, covering up her mouth.

"Christina!" I say, trying to get her to be quiet.

She stands and leads me away, leaving Will and Al looking confused.

"What... was that...?" She breaths, keeping her breathing deep.

"What...?" I try to supress a grin.

"Eric!! You and Eric!" She looks shocked.

"Well, he kinda just... Came up to me... and..." I shrug.

"Tris! He dangled me over the Chasm! He has no feelings!" She touches her forehead to her hand.

"You just have to get to know him." I grin.

"But you CAN'T get to know him! He's a jerk!"

"Oh Christina, but he's just... I don't know, just sweet..." Ridiculous, I think.

"Tris! Do you hear yourself?! You've finally lost it. Come on, we have to meet the others in the training hall." She sighs giving up.

We find the other initiates with Four and Eric. They start to run to the trains, Eric to the first and Four to the second. I start to follow Eric, when Four grabs my arm and signals for me to follow him. I give him a confused look, before taking a running leap into the train. I stumble, and find myself hanging off the side of the cart. A squeal bursts from my mouth as my fingernails pierce the train, and my feet dangle dangerously close to the ground. Someone grabs my arm, and I look into Four's deep blue, concerned, gaze. I hear histerical laughter, and turn to see Peter, Molly and Drew slapping each other on the back and howling with laughter. My face feels hot, not embarrassment but anger. I take a step toward Peter, but Will grabs my arm and shakes his head. But Christina's not as calm.

"Hey! Watch it! Or it'll be you dangling off a train!" She yells, her eyes blazing with fury.

"Oh yeah? And who's gonna save you when you dangle off the edge of the Chasm?" He sneers.

I grab Christina's elbow before she steps any closer. And her eyes immediately calm, and her fists unclench.

"Thanks." She breathes.

"I know how you feel." I laugh.

"Aww isn't that cute?" Molly coo's. I ignore it.

My elbow is bleeding, and my nails ach from the pressure. But I'm typically unwounded.

"You alright?" Four asks, and he sounds genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, should be." I breath slowly, calming myself down.

"Good, cause your gonna need to be fine to do this." He gestures to the front of the cart, and I gaze out the door.

I hear Christina gasp and Will takes a deep breath.

"Wow..." Al mumbles.

"Initiates," Four calls over the wind, "Welcome to the Cliff."


Thank you for reading! And I'll keep posting ASAP! So excited to post the next one! But I need ideas, I think I'm still a little confused on what they will be doing on the Cliff, so thoughts and questions in the comment box! Thank you! 


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