Chapter 9~ Lost on a Ledge

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Eric's POV


Oh boy, was I mad. I wish I could tell Tris I wasn't mad at her. I was mad at myself. I saw her stiffen at my anger, and flinch away from my hand. I should have know she couldn't swim! I watched her practice for the fear landscape, the final Dauntless challenge. She couldn't swim, and I watched her drown. I wasn't suppost to jump in the water. I may have given myself away by doing so. Four saw me, and gave me a quizitive look. But I didn't care, I should have know she couldn't swim! Abnegation doesn't teach that. I sigh, I know I should have let Four save her, to not raise suspition. But... that feeling of.... dread, deep in the pit of my stomach. It was all I could to to not scream out her name. Tris. I hope her hand in mine is enough to reasure her I'm not mad.

After a moment or so of walking so turns to me. "Thank you."

I smile.

"Why did you save me?" She cocks her head slightly.

I curl my hand around her cheek, and she leans into it. I pull her forward into a kiss. And she sighs deeply.

When I pull away to quickly, she pouts. I smirk at her annoyance. Leading her with the others, we start to run to the train. It begins to pulla head of us, but I grab her by the waist and hurl her on. I stretch out my hand, but I miss. I lurch forward, a desperate attempt. I feel a hand grasp mine. I look up at Four, looking quite smug. Scowling, I go and sit acrossed from Tris. She gives me a 'Sorry' look, and I just shrug. But I can't help grinning wildly as Chistina elbows her sharply in the stomach. Tris glares, but can't hold in a smile. I end up chuckling.

The train reaches the stoping point, but I hold Tris back. She glances at me, confused as everyone else jumps off. I reach for her hand, and hold it gently. I bring her to the edge of the train. We've started edging up the tracks, climbing higher and higher in the sky. She recognizes the spot. Were she was the first jumper. We leap onto the roof, and she grins at the memory. I lead her to the edge.

"Who wants to go first?" I whisper.

"Lets go together." She says blushing at our closeness.

I step up to the edge, guiding her up to the ridge. I clutch her to my chest, and lean slightly. I smile as the wind blows through our hair. And we fall.


First update in a SUPER LONG TIME! Hope this makes your day!


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