Chapter 1

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This isn't working, Sorbet." A cold voice rang out in the room as a shadowed being looked down at a crumpled up form on the floor. Blood was all over the floor under them and they appeared to be unconscious. Red eyes glared at the figure before shifting to a small blue male in green and black armor with red fabric covering him from the waist down. "You've been at this for years, and all you've managed to accomplish are two failed experiments. The subject either doesn't get pregnant or miscarries! So by all means, do tell me why I shouldn't kill you!"

"Lord Frieza, we believe that the best way to breed your army would be to pair the subject with another of his species. So far the only compatible beings with Subject 01 have been the humans, but give us another saiyan and there will be success I'm sure of it!" Sorbet managed to speak without the fear he felt entering his tone, and he bowed his head as he hoped that the frost demon would give him another chance.

"Another saiyan?" One of Frieza's fingers tapped the edge of his magnetized transport as his eyes shifted to look back on the still unmoving being. "The point of this project is not to breed more of the filthy monkeys, but to produce stronger hybrids that we can control. Further more you now want another saiyan. Are you aware how difficult it is to find one that can be easily captured? We were fortunate this saiyan was alone and exactly what we needed and that was before the beasts became more cautious about capture."

"I understand that, my lord, but another saiyan would give us the best results. And if we place the infants in the maturation chambers, you could have your army within five years at most!"

"Five years?" There was surprise in Frieza's voice, and Sorbet took that as a good sign. "Not the ten to fifteen you calculated before?"

"Yes, my lord!" The small blue male handed over a handheld device that had a schematic of a chamber with figures beside it. "We can give Subject 01 a fertility drug that will make him carry twins, possibly multiplets, then once they are developed enough, we can remove them from Subject 01 and place them in the chamber to accelerate their growth. Once the infants are removed, we can have the subject impregnated within a few days to allow his body to rest. We would still lose months of time with Subject 01 being pregnant but less than him carrying the full term and birthing the infants naturally. Also we could then take individuals from the resulting offspring and continue the breeding experiments with them or use them to produce more multiplets themselves. The chambers will handle the offspring's education to ensure they are capable of following orders and functioning as adults."

"Hm." The frost demon looked over the figures with a critical eye. "Seems there might be hope for you yet, Sorbet. Very well. I will instruct Zarbon to find you another saiyan, but if the subject fails to carry one more time, I will kill you and find another to take your place."


Vegeta prince of all saiyans woke up and immediately wished he hadn't. By the goddess he felt like his head was splitting open. Sterile white made his eyes snap closed against the nausea that threatened to make its way up his throat.

"What the hell did I drink?" He muttered as he gagged, "And why does it taste like something died in my mouth?" The prince didn't recognize any of the smells in the room at first. The pain in his head jumbled too many things up. The first one he picked out was blood, something familiar enough since he was on a mission....wasn't he? Sex, why did he smell that? The god-awful hospital stink only make his head ache worse. Why hadn't they cleared the air in here? he been injured enough to need treatment? No that wasn't right, he wasn't in a tank. He was.... Another scent interrupted him, a faint whiff of spice that made his stomach stop churning. Blood and sweat were mixed with it almost drowning it out. He wasn't alone. Steeling his resolve the prince cracked open an eye and scanned his surroundings. This wasn't even remotely familiar it was too white, there was no bed like a hospital would have it he wasn't in a healing tank. He was on the floor of all things.

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