Chapter 2

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The small saiyan twitched as he watched the being sleeping on the other side of the not there wall. He had pulled all the blankets over him to cover himself from view except for a small space where his eyes were, and the dark orbs had been locked onto the larger male.

He had woken up not too long ago and devoured the food left with him before he noticed the other when they groaned. Once the beta saw him, he dove for his corner and snarled at the being until he saw no movement coming from him. That was weird, they always stayed away when he did that...or got angry. They never did nothing.

He tilted his head as he watched the other breathe in his sleep with a scrunched up nose and narrowed eyes as he pushed his blanket under his nose and breathed with a whimper. He didn't like the smells in this place, his blanket smelled like him and Kome and Seba. The new blankets smelled like Cat Lady and Sick place. There was something about New One that the one that smelled bitter brought here. He looked like him, and his scent was nice. It tickled the back of his mind like he had smelled it before, it made him want to get closer.

The beta shifted to rest on his hands and knees for a few long moments as he still watched the other saiyan, ignoring the new food Bitter One put in his space while he watched. His stomach knotted in nerves and at the bad smells of Cold One, sex, blood and violent ones. Heat had passed again, this one longer and he had cubs again, good strong cubs. He sank lower in his nest with a quiet whimper as his tail curled around his stomach protectively. He didn't want Bad One to find out. Bad One would take his cubs again and make him hurt and bleed. He wanted his babies.

Most of the blankets covering him slid off his body except for one that draped across his back as he eased out of his crouch. Seeing New One hadn't moved, he crawled a couple of paces towards the not there wall before stopping again. Once he was certain the other was still not moving, the small male crept closer as his curiosity took over. New One's came during Heat, but they didn't stay.

Only when he was beside the not there wall did he stop. The small saiyan took a deep breath to try and get more of that scent. It was spicy and kinda sweet at the same time, and hidden within it was the one that made him curious. It made him think of hot, dry places where the ones that smelled of cold and many overwhelming scents couldn't get to him.

The beta let out a whine as he tried to get more of that safe smelling odor. His tail swished anxiously and he cocked his head looking at New One. He was bigger, stronger, that made him nervous. He couldn't fight bigger Ones without biting and clawing; that was bad for cubs. But he had a tail, like his! And a mane! New One wasn't his cub though, so how did they have his tail? Leaning down, he sniffed the not there wall and sneezed shivering as Heat smell made his head hurt before he got some of that safe scent. The not wall was blocking most of it. He wanted to know why New One smelled nice and looked like him.

New One moved then, awake. And the beta panicked. He needed away from New One!


Vegeta blinked his eyes open and brought a hand up to cover his forehead. He had fallen unconscious after talking to Frieza and hoped that everything was a horrible dream. Unfortunately the bright lights and the whiteness around him proved his desire otherwise.

A low whining sound had the prince jumping in surprise, and his body moved on reflex to crouch in a defensive position and face the source of the noise with a snarl on his face only to freeze.

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