Chapter 10

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This chapter might have triggers. Please be advised 

Kome was slowly stretching under the blankets in Tama's nest as the room slowly got brighter. His movements had his brother whimpering in protest at his side, and he chuffed at the cub to calm him when he noticed that Tama was not in the nest. The heat that came from the older saiyan's body was missing meaning he had been gone a while. He scrambled to his hands and knees ignoring his brother for the moment. He fought with the blankets until he managed to get his head free, and he looked around the cell with fear in his heart. Images of Bad One or Cold One hurting Tama ran through Kome's mind until he spotted Tama by the clear wall next to the New One.

Kome sagged in relief at seeing the beta, but he glared at the spot a moment later. Why was Tama by the new male? He growled a little in anger, and his tail bushed up behind him as it lashed in the bedding. The male was taking all of Tama's attention away from them! Tama was under a blanket too! He spent the night by New One!

"Kome?" Seba's voice held fear at the sound of his older brother's rumbling, and the larger boy moved to gather him in his arms. Kome rubbed a hand up and down the other's back as he purred to reassure the smaller cub. He eyes kept flicking over to where Tama and the male were by the wall.

"Tama?" Seba softly asked as he followed his brother's gaze to the clear wall. He tilted his head as he looked at the scene. "Tama sleep by Nice One?"

"Shhh!" Kome hushed Seba as he detected others close to the cells. He looked up in alarm as the sound of footsteps paused a moment before moving on. He let out a relieved breath when the footsteps were out of range. He gave his brother a sharp look which had the boy shrinking back a little.

The older cub let out another sigh and pulled the younger one in a hug. He didn't mean to be mean, but Tama told him when he was younger to never let the others know that they could talk. He said that bad things would happen, and he wouldn't be able to stop them. Kome pulled back and brought up hands.

I'm sorry, but you can't talk with them around. He signed to Seba. Tama taught him when he was smaller, and he taught his brother as soon as he was old enough. Tama said that it was used when warriors needed to be silent.

I forgot. It's no fun being quiet. Seba huffed as he moved his hands as well. The expression on the smaller cub's face had Kome smiling. He glanced back around, and his eyes lingered on Tama and the male. He didn't like that they were so close to each other. A gentle tugging on his sleeve had him looking down. Why are you mad?

Kome's eyebrow lifted at the question. He didn't even realize his small fangs were showing until just then. He shook his head not wanting to talk about it, but his brother was looking at him with those cute, wide eyes.

New One. I don't like him. Kome finally admitted. He glared at the still sleeping alpha. He hurt Tama and now Tama spends more time with him than us. He had to try very hard to keep from growling again.

Tama must be worried. Nice One was hurt by Cold One. I could smell it. Cold One used a bad thing.

Seba was right of course. New One was hurt. He made Cold One stop watching Tama and Seba. Stop calling him that.

But he's nice.

You don't know that.

He smells nice. Seba fired back.

You think Cat Lady smells nice. Kome signed rolling his eyes at his little brother.

She is nice. She gave us that toy, remember? Cat lady lets us see Tama.

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