Chapter 18

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Kakarot whimpered as made another lap around the nest. Toa was watching him and the little beta could feel the worry coming off his feral half. It wasn't for him though.

They worried about Alpha, Geta. He was hurt when they last saw him, Angry Ones pointing guns at him before Chorri made them sleep. Toa tried to leave only to find they were stuck. The last time Kakarot remembered that happening was when the medics drugged him. Toa didn't like that. More than anything Kakarot was afraid of what would happen to Geta. Geta had killed Zarbon, Frieza would be angry when he found out. Toa growled and pulled him down into the pillows and furs.

"Alpha strong," Toa said roughly. "Bad One dead, stop worrying."

"They can still hurt him." Kakarot said wrapping his arms around his knees. "They get mad when soldiers are killed. Geta still isn't here, what if..." Kakarot bit his lip anxiously as his eyes watered.

"Alpha not dead." Toa softly answered and nuzzled his other half. "I feel it. You too. Alpha strong." The beta stared at his other half confused.

"What do you mean?" Toa rolled his eyes.

"Alpha mate, our mate." There was pride in the feral's voice. "Alpha strong mate, good mate. Alpha gave us new cubs."

"Mate? Geta's not our mate." The other side of the beta frowned. Kakarot knew that Vegeta had to have had sex with him for him to be expecting now, but that doesn't mean that they were mates. "He only coupled with us."

"Alpha mate!" Toa growled back. "Last Heat, we claimed Alpha. Alpha claimed us. We have bond with Alpha. Find flash here in Safe Place."

Kakarot's brow furrowed over those words before he closed his eyes. He had more control in this part of his mind than Toa. His memories were still not organized, but they were better than before the saiyan prince had arrived.

Small bubbles started to form around the nest as the non-feral side of the beta concentrated on the last heat that he had. The more recent memories were easier to find in the chaos, and soon countless bubbles floated around the pair. They contained images of what happened during the past month, and the feral beta was looking around to find the right memory.

"There." Toa's voice had Kakarot opening his eyes, and he looked over to an orb that his other half was pointing to. "That when we claim Alpha."

The smaller of the pair held out a hand, and the bubble slowly drifted over to him. As soon as the bubble landed on Kakarot's hand, it sank into his skin and the memory formed around the two.


Toa let out a mewling growl as he felt Vegeta thrust harder inside of his body. He arched into the larger body to feel the alpha hit that sweet spot with more force, and his hands clutched at the shoulders of his lover to pull him closer.

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