Friendship? Nice?

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Mrs. Ketchum didn't try to teach me anything yet. It was about five minutes to lunch. "Um when am I going to get taught anything?" I asked.

"Oh honey I just want to get to know you first." That was the truth. She kept trying to get to know me but I said the minimum. The lunch bell rang and I sprinted out of the room. I didn't want to be there with her anymore. I sprinted down the halls till I got to my locker. I found Miette standing there blocking my way to get into it.

"Hello there." Her meowstic standing in front of her.

"Please not now." I pleaded. 

"Awe but I want to have some fun. Meowstic psychic." I felt my feet lift the ground as her meowstic used the move. I left Fenniken in the classroom for safe keeping. "Throw her." I flew there the air hitting the wall behind me hitting my head hard. The room spun for a few seconds. "Now scratch!" He pokemon flew over to me and scratched at my helpless body. My clothes getting ripped to shreds. 

"Stop it!" I turned and saw a boy standing there in shock. He had a picachu standing on his shoulder. He had messy black raven hair sticking out under a red and white hat. He was dressed in the school uniform. I never saw him before so he must have been a new kid. 

"L-leave." I slowly got off the ground starring at the kid. He shocked his head at me refusing to leave. I looked down at the floor embarrassed. 

"Oh she was the one that attacked me first." Miette ran over and hide behind him. His eyes never left me. I picked up the bag my lunch was in and ran. I ran out of the doors of the school and to my car. I heard footsteps behind me but I never looked back. I jumped in my car and raced to my house. Tears filled my eyes as I ran up to the stairs to my room. 

I jumped onto the bed and cried my eyes out. It was about an hour later I finally got up and got cleaned up. I walked into the bath room and took off my ripped clothes. I starred in the mirror at my figure. I could see every rip I have. If there was a normal color space it was lucky. I grabbed a black hoodie and some gray yoga pants and quickly slid them on to hide myself. I slid on my white cat eye sunglasses and laced up some black combat boots and headed out to my car. 

I drove over to the a play ground near my school. No one was there. I climbed out of the car and headed over to the swings. I sat there pushing myself back and forth. I looked down at my phone and saw it was already three. I knew my father would be furious for leaving school but I couldn't stay there. Mrs. Ketchum was to nice to me. Miette had my clothes ripped to shreds and that new kid. Something about that new kid is just off. 

I was just about to leave when I heard an explosion set off in the distance. I jumped up from the swing and ran. As I got closer I saw there was a pokemon battle going on. A yellow blur raced to towards the giant turtle with guns coming out of its shell. I watched in horror as the two pokemon fought. It wasn't till when the turtle pokemon got knocked out and returned to a pokeball that I realized it was a pokemon battle. Gary Oak and the raven haired boy walked to the center and shook each others' hands. 

"Pika?" I saw the yellow rat pokemon looking at me. 

"What is it?" The raven haired boy turned and saw me. He said something to Gary and jogged over to me. "Hey are you alright. After you ran I tried to find you when you ran off but you were gone." 

"I-I am fine." I looked down at the floor not at him.

"Are you sure?" I looked up at him and saw something is his eyes. I quickly looked back down.

"I should go."

"Ok see you around." I quickly took off sprinting back to my car. Why was that kid not mean or ignoring me. I sat down in the drivers seat and started off to home.

When I got home I saw my father's car. I sprinted into the house and up to my room. I burst through my door and saw my father sitting there waiting for me. "Serena we need to talk." My father never wants to talk to me. What is going to happen. I looked down at my hands and saw they were shacking from being scared. "Serena I know you have a pokemon." He stood up and walked over to me.

"Miss. White got it for me." I still looked at the floor not daring to make eye contact. 

"That is why I fired her. She does not respect my rules I set down for you. She broke the biggest one to." 

"I tried to stop her but." 

"Serena!" He shut me up quick. I winced back at the shout but I didn't dare to cry. "You are not allowed to have a pokemon. They are dangerous. They killed your own mother." I looked up at him. He knew he said to much. 

"I-I thought team.."

"Serena she died because of her pokemon and that's final." He raised his hand and brought it down smacking my cheek. I felt the pain and the sting from the hit. He was always good at hitting me where I already have a bruise.

"How did you even know I had a pokemon?" Tears started to come to my eyes.

"Mrs. Ketchum came to me today asking where I went and I asked why. She said you never came back after getting your lunch and your pokemon was out of control trying to find you. Tomorrow I want that pokemon in a ball and handed over to me." I nodded and he brushed past me out of my room. I let the tears escape then. I heard the doorbell ring down stairs and quickly called out to my father that I would get it. I didn't hurry to get down the stairs. I knew I looked like a mess but I need to get back on my father's good side. 

When I reached the door I opened it up and it relieved the raven hair boy. I quickly pushed him back and stepped out closing the door behind me quick before my father found out. "Why are you here?" I was shacking. If my father found out I knew I would be a bloody mess.

"My mom wanted me to bring you your books." He held up my school books to show me. I grabbed them from his hands. "Woah what happened to you?" I didn't answer I just went back into the house.

"Serena who was that?" My father yelled from somewhere.

"Mrs. Ketchum bringing me my books!" I yelled back and headed back up to my room. Who is that guy? What is he doing to me? Why is he nice to me?

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