New Life, New Me

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He went around and sat behind his desk, leaving me cowering into a corner. He started to move some paperwork around and write a few things down. He did what he would normally do when it was just him in his office.

This went on for some good time till he finally looked up from his desk to see me. "Serena, you know I don't want to hurt you." His voice was almost teasing me to cry. "If only you were a better daughter."

He slowly got up from his desk and made his way over to were I was cowering. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. He grabbed onto my chin and forced me to look at him. I slowly blinked at the hatred in his eyes. My body relaxes, ready to take a hit. I was basically limp in his arms.

My body received many kicks and punches till I was basically a bloody mess. I had a black eye, maybe a few broken ribs, a busted lip and definitely a bruised stomach. My white shirt was stained with blood. The cuts on my arms were split back open. My vision was covered with black spots. All I hear is sirens. I couldn't move a muscle.

I laid there as people screamed in the background. My father was nowhere to be seen. I saw my mother sitting in the distance just staring at me. I tried to call out to her but nothing came out. Her face had a small smile, the same one I missed my whole life.

The door to the room burst open and she disappeared. I felt arms lift me up and rush me out of the room. I couldn't see who they belonged to. I just wanted to go back to when my mother was alive and she would hold me in her arms.

My eyes slowly closed to the sound of sirens and I soon lost all my other senses.

The sound of beeping filled my ears. Something heavy laid on my stomach. My head was throbbing. I was something that was soft but also hard as a rock. I didn't dare open my ears. I knew where I was. I have been here many times before.

I moved my arm so it was over my eyes. I let out a small groan from the pain I was in. I just wanted to drift off to sleep.

I remove my arm and slowly open my eyes. I blinked a few time to adjust to the bright, white lights.

"Serena?" A sleepy voice spoke.

"W-what happened?" I croaked out.

"Serena!" The sleepy voice screamed. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me. "Are you ok Sere?" Ash!

"Yeah?" It came out more like a question.

"Serena, I see you are awake." A doctor comes into the room. "Do you remember anything that happened.

"Last thing I really remember is feeling the pain my father cause then everything was just a slow blur," I answer.

"Alrighty. Your father has been put in jail already and we found an aunt that will stay with you here for a bit. Where you guys go after that is up to you two. The cops will contact you soon about getting your story and everything." The doctor explained while he checked his reports and took notes about my condition.

"What aunt?" I ask. I have never been in contact with any family members before.

"Apparently your mother had a sister she never told you about." With that, the doctor left.

"Ash, did you know about this?" I turn to look at the ravenette.

"Y-yeah. Your aunt came to visit you where you were still out." He scratched the back of his neck.

"I don't want to trust a stranger!" I panic.

"Sere, calm down." Ash rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. "It will all be ok. If you want you can stay at my house for a bit." He stood up a bit and kissed my temple.

"I just don't want anything that happened with my father to happen again," I whisper but I knew Ash heard.

(Time skip to after getting out of the hospital and a couple weeks of getting used to this aunt)

"Serena, can you come here real quick?" My aunt called for the kitchen.

"What is it Aunt G?" He real name is Gabena but she likes to go by G.

"I was wondering if you would go back to Alola with me? I know you won't want to leave but I have a business back here and I want you to spend the rest of your high school where people don't know about your father." She held my hands in hers and there were tears forming in her eyes.

"Why not." I smile at her.

"Yay!" She brings me into a bone-crushing hug. "Mallow and Lillie will be so happy to see you."

"Is there a way we can just disappear?" My voice comes shaky.

"If that is what you want." She brings me into one more hug before running off to go pack her bags.

Well I guess I can start a new life in a place where people don't know what has happened to me. Even though my scars will always be a reminder.

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