Caught Red Handed

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"Ok Serena spill." one of the girls starring at me said.

All us girls were sitting around a table at the mall. The boys went off to get us food. 

"What is there to spill?" I sat with my back straight and my shoulders tense. I never like talking about my personal life. 

"How about your boyfriend." Now I can tell who said it. It is a brown haired girl named May. 

"Well his dad had to go away a year ago so we decided we would still try to date but after a couple months we kinda stopped talking. Now he is back." I tried to keep it as vague as possible. 

The girls leaned back into their seats to process what they heard. Probably trying to fill in the blanks.

9 months ago

(this is in a text message by the way)

Calem: Hey babe

Serena: Hey what's up

Calem: Nothing just waiting for you to come over.

Serena: What do you mean?

Calem: Wait. Serena!

Serena: Calem who are you waiting for and calling babe.

Calem: I thought sense we don't talk anymore we were over. I moved on.

Serena: ...

(Back to reality)

"Ok so the son of an elite dated you but when he moved away you stopped talking so you don't know if you are dating anymore." Dawn spoke her mind.

"No we are not dating anymore but we never fully broke up." Everyone went silent thinking for a bit. 

"Hello ladies." Gary slid in between Misty and I.

"Gary don't scare the poor ladies." Drew showed himself and sat down next to May and Dawn. Paul sat down between Dawn and drew without saying a word. I guess he is one I can get along with.

"Where is the food?" Misty looked towards Gary.

"Ashy is bringing it." Gary moved his arm around her which got him an elbow to his rib. 

"Where is he?" I looked around for him.

"Ok probably way back there." Gary removed his arm. I stood up and started to walk the way the guys came from. "Where is she going?" I heard Gary say from behind me.

As I walked I took this time to just think to myself. What am I going to do now that Calem is back?

"Serena?" I looked up to see Ash struggling with three large pizza boxes.

"Here let me help you." I rush over and grab a box of pizza allowing him to see where he is going now. 


"Why did they run off without you?" I could feel the grease soaking through the box.

"Gary challenged them to a race and apparently they don't turn down a challenge." I looked over and saw Ash was looking down at the pizza instead or looking ahead.

"Well at least I found you before you lost our food." I got a little laugh from that.

I look up from the pizza to see Calem and...

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