Alola Visit

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It has been over a year since I moved away. I changed my phone number the second day I was in Alola and I haven't talked to any of my old friends. I still like Ash but it's not like I am going to go running back to him right?

"Serena, are you still writing in that little journal of yours?" Mallow comes bursting into my room. I fall out of my chair and onto my butt making it hurt.

"I thought I told you to knock! Mallow you are going to give me a heart attack!" I slowly get up and dust myself off.

"Sorry, Serena. Anyways Lillie and I just saw the cutest guy and you have to come see him." She grabs my wrists and pulls so hard I hear my shoulder pop.

"Mallo," my nickname for her, "slow down. You know I am not really trying to find a guy." I try getting out of her grip but she just holds onto me tighter. Man, I wish Pikachu was here to shock her. 

That reminds me. I got my Fenniken from Sycamore before I left and she evolved into Braixen. Also over the year, I got an Eevee and a panchum. Eevee evolved into Sylveon and Panchum likes being Panchum. 

"To bad. This raven hair dreamboat will defiantly be something you drool at."  She pulls me out of my Aunt's back room of her little restaurant and out to the main outdoor eating area. "He is right over there." He pointed off to a large group of people. I have to squint a bit to see their faces but I instantly know them as my old friends. 

"He is not hot." I lie. 

"Tell Lillie that. She is trying to prepare herself to ask him if he wants to come have lunch with us." Mallow turns me around to see Lillie fidgeting with her hands at a table nearby.

"Well, you two can do that. I have work to do and I don't need to upset my Aunt." I turn off and head back into the backroom to get my apron. You see I do some cooking during the afternoon at my Aunt's restaurant and I perform once it becomes later and we open up the bar. 

"Suit yourself!" I hear Mallow call out. She is one crazy friend. I walk back out with my apron in hand.

"Lillie, how about if you get him and his group of friends to come eat here I will cook and pay for your meals?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Really?!" She jumped up from her seat.

"Yup. Anyways you two will probably hit it off. No guy can't resist you." I let out a small giggle.

"What about me?!" Mallow whined.

"Oh, you have Kiawe. Let Lillie have a guy for once." I roll my eyes and throw my Pokeball into the air and light glows around them as my Pokemon appear at my feet. "Let's get cooking guys. Lillie has some friends she is having lunch with." 

With my pokemons' help, I make a dish called poke for everyone. The included Mallow, Lillie, Ash, May, Dawn, Gary, Misty, Drew, and Paul. I made a bit extra so I could have some when I was done serving them. Lillie was able to finally go over and ask Ash and his group of friends to come have lunch since they were new in town. They agreed so here I am with Slyveon and Panchum filling trays up with poke and Pokemon food. 

I hold open the door for the two Pokemon to leave the kitchen. I even had a tray of my own. I knew how many Pokemon each trainer had since I knew them all even if it was a small amount of time. 

"Hello, I will be your server. My name is Pink and today I will start you off with a local dish." Sylveon follows me around with the dishes of poke while Panchum lays out the bowls of Pokemon food. "What you have in front of you is a Poke. It is a raw fish salad. To drink you just normal ice tea." I grab the trays from my Pokemon and do a quick bow before running off to the kitchen.

"Braixen!" Braixen jumps up onto the counter and points at Ash. 

"Braixen, calm down. Yes, that is the Ash you know but still, they will hate me if they find out it's me." 

"Braix!" She glared at me for being stupid. 

"Pan?" I look down at my other two Pokemon that were completely confused.

"Ok, you two. Before I moved here I went to school with those kids out there. As you know about my past, well Ash was the one that saved me from it. You could say we were a couple but it is long over."

"Braix! Braix!" 

"Ok, Braixen! I know I moved away without telling him so we are basically still together since we never broke up but still he probably forgot about me." I cross my arms and lean against the counter.

"Braixen!" She runs out of the room and off towards where Lillie and Mallow are.

"Braixen!" I scream and race after her.

I burst through the kitchen doors and all eyes turn to me. The restaurant isn't that packed so it is just a few families and my former friends. I look over to see Braixen laughing at me.

"I will get you!" I start sprinting towards her. Her eyes grow big and she starts to take off towards the stairs that lead off the deck. "Get back here you fox!" 

I am suddenly stopped in my tracks by an outside force. I look up to see Ash stairing dow at me. He opens his mouth to say something and the thing that comes out can be my worst nightmare. 

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