Ashy Problems

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I sat at my desk starring out the window. The backyard was amazing. We had an in ground pool, a trampoline, an amazing wooden deck and a lot of fun activities. I remembered before my mother died we were always out there having fun. We would always cook out or eat dinner outside. Everything we did was outside it seemed like. Now we don't go out there. My father stays in his study and I stay in my room.

My stomach let out a loud growl but I didn't want to leave me room. I tried to remember the last time I had a real meal. Maybe a month ago? My stomach let out another growl and I slowly made my way to the kitchen. It was amazing. White walls, stainless steal appliances, everything you could use in the kitchen was in there. Gray granite countertops and black cupboards. LEDs made the room seem even brighter. There was a door leading to the outside that never been opened from when I was five.

I opened the fridge and pulled out ingredients for a salad. Lettuce. Tomatoes. Strawberry dressing. Cucumbers. Olives. Cheese. Strawberries. I moved over to the cupboards and grabbed the croutons. I threw everything together making a big bowl of it. I placed some in two small bowls and added some dressing. I grabbed one and headed to my father's study. When I got there I knocked on the door. I heard some glass rattling around and then the door opened and I saw my drunk father.

"I made you some dinner." I held out the bowl so he could see.

"You are lucky you are useful." He ripped the bowl out of my hands and slammed the door on my face. I just walked back to the kitchen and placed the bowl with the extra salad in the fridge and grabbed my small bowl and headed up to my room. I plugged my headphones into my phone and hit play on my phone. Hamilton flew threw my ears. I nodded along as I ate my dinner. Tonight I was able to get lucky.

I woke and instantly got ready. All ready late for school. I picked out my uniform and got dressed while trying to pack my bag. I grabbed my school books and ran out to my car. I sped off to the school already missing part of first period. When I reached my locker I threw books in and grabbed my books for normal classes. I ran down the halls to room 221. I walked in trying to stay in the back of the room. I sat in the back corner trying to hide from the rest of the class. I saw the teacher nod in my direction and started to teach again. I sat in my seat just doodling in my notebook. I passed any class I took. I was a gifted kid but so gifted that I could be in collage by now but my father wanted me to finish my last two years of high school.

Class finished and I walked over to my very own class room. When I walked in I saw three desks instead of two. My desk, the teacher's desk and some other desk. "Serena I didn't see you today I thought you might of skipped." Mrs. Ketchum was writing of the board.

"I go to normal classes every morning except Wednesdays." I explained.

"Oh I thought you always came here." She was finished writing but I didn't look up at the board.

"What is with the extra desk?" I asked.

"Oh my son will be join us on Thursdays. Like you he is in the gifted program but he still needs his normal classes." I just nodded as I set up my desk how I wanted it. I was almost done when I heard the door open and then close.

"Sorry I am late. I was having a pokemon battle." I heard the raven haired boy's voice.

"Just get ready for the day Ash." His name was Ash. Ash Ketchum cause his mom is Mrs. Ketchum. Mrs. Ketchum decided she would make the class boring today. I just opened up my notebook and started to drawl. I didn't want to sit in here all day and be bored. It was almost lunch so I stood up and just walked out of the room. I heard Mrs. Ketchum yelling and me to get back inside but I just continued walking.

I walked all the way till I reach Professor Sycamore's room. I knocked on the door and heard a muffled come in. "Serena what a surprise." He smiled up at me from his desk.

"I came to pick up my pokemon. I know my dad took it here so it can go to another trainer."

"Ahh yes he did." He stood up and walked over to a closet full of pokeballs. He picked one up and handed it to me. "Serena you know that you have to train your pokemon right?" He asked.

"Yes I do but I just can't."

"How about we go have a battle right now. I was about to give a new pokemon to a new kid. Maybe you and him can have a battle."

"Another time. I can't afford for my father to find out."

"I understand Serena." He was the only one that knew all the rules my father set for me. "If you ever want to battle just come to me and I will find you someone to battle with."

"Thank you." I walked off and grabbed my lunch. It was lunch time already and I knew I only had fifteen minutes left to eat. When I got to the cafeteria all the tables were full. I was about to leave when I saw someone was walking towards me.

"Hey Serena." I looked up and saw Ash talking to me. "You can come sit with me if you would like. I just nodded and followed behind him to a table.

"Hey Ashy why did you run..." They stopped talking when they saw me. I saw some people around us start to whisper to each other.

"I-i am just going to." I turned around ready to walk away when I felt some one grab my wrist.

"Come on you can sit by me." Ash pulled me over to two empty seats. Gray, May, Dawn, Misty, Clemont, and Drew sat around the table. They were considered some of the most popular kids. They were all talking and I just sat there picking at my salad. I knew they would peak glances my but I didn't care.

"Serena what type of pokemon do you have?" I looked up and saw everyone starring at me. Wait for me to answer.

"None really." I said barley above a whisper. Now that I think of it I wasn't really the owner of Fenniken. Professor Sycamore only gave it to me so I can have a friend.

"How can you not have a pokemon?" Gary asked.

"I am just not allowed." My mind raced to my father and blood boiled. I stood up and ran out of the room. I didn't want to sit there and have to explain my life. No one even wants to know about my life. They probably only asked that so I didn't feel left out. I heard someone yell my name but I just ran. I was out of the school doors and in the field next to the school before I could think clearly.

Ok guys I really like writing this book because I can put it in a lot of my own thought about things in it. I might update this book more than any other book. I know this book might seem cliche but I like writing it. I have no idea where this book will go unlike some of my other books but who cares. I will try to publish as many chapters as I can this month but in May I will not have a lot of time. By for now.

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