Chapter 6

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IMPORTANT A/N: I know I don't usually put author notes at the beginning of my chapters, but I don't wanna spoil the story for my dear sweet readers! I forgot the password to my old account, ShirisHeart, and I will be posting from here for now on. The first 5 chapters are on the account, so read those and THEN come here! Thnx~

 "You OK Mari?" Meliodas asked.

Marian hesitated at the nickname. "Yeah, fine."

"Can you explain what just happened then?" Ban asked.

"Oh, I fought Gilthunder and this other chick he brought along, then Nora showed up and helped me, then she knocked them out, then she took the girl back here." She explained as she sat down and poured herself some ale.

"I see then. We got everyone who we came to get, let's go!" Ban said as he sipped out of his own mug of ale. He soon spat out his ale as he turned to the stairway. "Didn't know you came downstairs Nora!"

"Well I did." She replied as Ria hugged her tight, her cat tail swaying in Lizzy's face happily. Lizzy sneezed and Ria pulled her tail away, sending an apologetic smile at Lizzy. Lizzy smiled back.

"Is she up yet?" Marian asked as she sipped her ale.

"Yes, and I explained the situation to her as well. She said she'd been wanting to quit being a Holy Knight apprentice for a while, so she's going to travel with us until she finds something to do." Nora said blankly, walking back upstairs afterwards.

After a few moments of silence Meliodas said "so next is Coda, Elizabeth and I's daughter. I believe she'll be at the Forest of White Dreams. She left about a month or to ago to travel Britannia."

"I've missed her so much!" Elisabeth pipes up from next to Meliodas by the bar.

"You're not the only one" Meliodas adds as he hugs his wife, not so subtly groping her in the process. This caused Elizabeth to blush and a karate chop to the head of Meliodas.

"That's not appropriate" Marian scolds Meliodas.

"She's my wife, plus she doesn't mind." He says as he rubs his head. Marian sighs and rubs the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes. Before they closed Meliodas saw a flash of hurt and regret in her eyes, but he brushed it off as nothing. "HEY DIANE!" He yelled out one of the open windows.

"Yes, Captain?" Replied the brunette, peaking through the window at the staff of the bar.

"We're setting course for the Forest of White Dreams! Get Hawks Mom ready."

"Sure thing, Captain~" She smiled and moved out of the window, a slight breeze blowing in.

Marian groaned and walked off to sleep off the trip, and everyone dispersed, doing their own daily routines.

"The forest is on the way to Camelot, so we won't have to travel as much to get Merlin." Meliodas said to Elizabeth and anyone in earshot, looking at a map.

"That'll help Marian-sama then." Elizabeth said, beaming.

"It's funny watching her run around, though" Ban chuckled.

"It seems her fear of heights comes from a traumatizing childhood experience... " Gowther said as he squinted at his glasses in her hands. Meliodas thought for a minute then shrugged.

"It's like that with some people." He replied. Gowther looked at him questioningly, but the look Meliodas sent back told him to shut his trap, so he just put his glasses back on.

"Her past is troubling. You seemed to be involved in it a lot, Captain." He looked at the blonde curiously.

"Can't say I remember her." He said, honest.

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