Chapter 9

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A/N: So in the dress chapter, if you scroll down to the long thing of dresses (Where Diane's is), and scroll to the second one, Marian has that crown. It's like... gnarly thorn things XD

"Wow, the castles so big!" Ria exclaimed in awe.

"Yeah, Arthur did a good job designing it!" Nia said from the roof of the Boar Hat. Hawks Mom had recently settled down into her little crater, and everyone was getting ready to leave.

"What's the ball for?" Gwen asked as she walked out of the bar, followed by Greta. The stars on their dresses shimmered as they walked, but not enough to blind anyone. Just... cute.

"Anniversary of the defeat of Hendrickson. Liones and Camelot have festivals and balls today. The last day of the festival is tomorrow, which we can attend if we like."

"Then why didn't we stay in Liones?" Asked Hawk.

"We need to find Merlin, solve this whole mess." Meliodas explained. "Plus you'll make a good roast for the feast" He tugged on the pigs ear playfully.

"Pugoh!" Hawk ran behind a girl leaning on a nearby tree. He would have gone to Elizabeth, but she was inside the Boar Hat getting dressed. "Save me!"

The girl tilted her head down to the pig, then to Meliodas. Her hood fell back to reveal long silver hair. A red bandanna was tied tightly around her eyes.

"We could care less about your problems." Marian stated as she kicked Hawk back at Meliodas.

"You've changed!" Hawk exclaimed as Lizzy put a warm cloth on his butt.

"We've always been like this, we're just a good actor." Marian said, but it sounded like there was another voice speaking.


"We don't care for your opinions either."

"Just go get dressed Mari." Meliodas said from behind Hawk, glaring the female down.

"Tch, whatever." She walked into the Boar Hat and slammed the door behind her.

"What's up with her?" Hawk asked Meliodas. He grunted in response and walked off. "What's up with him?"


"Yo, Merlin!" Meliodas waved to the raven-ette in her purple dress, which (as usual), showed to much cleavage.

"Captain, it's been a while." The raven-ette smiled at the shorter blond. 

"When's the ball starting?" asked Ria as she waved.

"Guests will enter in about an hour. Arthur's finishing the last of the preparations as we speak."

"Great!" Meliodas said.

"What should we do until then?" Nora asked.

"Well, I'm taking Yuka. You guys can do whatever. The rooms in this hall are yours to use until we leave." She snapped her fingers and Merlin and Yuka were teleported away.

"They're gonna blow up the castle." Nia said.

"She has it under control." Meliodas said


"Yuka's been working on 'BARRIER'. It'll hold against any explosions."

"Dibs on a room of my own" Marian calls as she slips into the closest room. The sound of the door lock echoed through the hall.

"FIRST TO EACH ROOM GETS IT!" Ban called as he ran off.

"Everyone be up and ready in an hour!" Meliodas called after everyone as he led his wife into a room.

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