Chapter 10

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"Everyone on the pig!" Nia shouted down the hall. Doors opened, revealing the sins. Marian even peeped her head out. "Lego!" She waved them forward as she walked down the hall to the window where Hawk's Mom sat.

Everyone eventually followed with their bags.

"Everyone here?" Meliodas asked, counting everyone as they went in like they were children.

"Yeah." Everyone replied.

"Let's get going!"

Hawk's Mom began to walk. Arthur waved at them from the balcony coming off his room.


Meliodas stood in a large crater. He turned to see- in his horror- the destroyed bodies of his friends. Even Ban was dead, his face ripped off  and the rest of him stone. King's Chastifol impaled his chest.

Only three were missing: Coda, Nora, and Marian.

He whipped around as he sensed a magical presence behind him.

"Who's there?! Who did this to my friends?!" 

Eleven figures floated a few feet from him. Darkness emerged from various parts of their bodies, keeping them aloft in the air. They all had hoods shadowing their faces. 

The one in front of the other ten was turned away from him, her long silver hair whipping in the wind behind her.

She turned and looked at Meliodas. She slowly flew closer until she was a just a bit out of reach. She stroke a familiar cord in him.

"Did you do it?!" She stopped and stared. He was only able to see her eyes. They were a dull black with hints of purple. "Tell me!"

He jumped at the girl and punched her repeatedly. She never faltered, just stood.

"Was it one of them?" He pointed accusingly at the other ten people, watching them.  He continued to punch her, but she showed no damage.

He hesitated in his attack as a tear rolled down the girls cheek. "Why are you crying?" He asked, he couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl.

"I'm sorry..." She held out her hand, her cloak peeling back to show her arm. It had various cuts and scars on it. Before Meliodas could get a good look at them darkness enveloped her skin and pushed him back into the crater.

As he recovered he saw her fly back to the other ten people. In unison they all flipped their hoods back, reveling






The Ten Commandments




And Marian.

She no longer had the red bandanna around her eyes, and they were now the  eyes of a demon. They were glossy and tears spilled from her eyes.






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