Chapter 11

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Meliodas woke up in a panicked sweat. He was alone in his and Elizabeth's room. He smelt Ban's cooking flow to his room from the kitchen downstairs.

His dream rushed back to him as he ran out of his room, practically falling down the stairs. Everyone turned to him, shocked, when he appeared downstairs.

"WHERE'S MARIAN?!" He yelled.

"N-No one's seen her, I don't think.." Nia said. "Why?" She asked, but he was long out of ear shot. "Get back here!" She called as she ran after him.

He slammed open the door to the girls bedroom. No one was inside and one window was open. He ran over to it to see a red bandanna caught on part of the window.

"She-she's gone..." He said as he looked out the window.

"She jumped out the window? We're still talking about Marian, right? The girl afraid of heights?" Nia said from the doorway.

"Don't know where else she'd be, windows open and her bandanna's here, and she's no where to be seen."

"I'll get Merlin." She said, before running down the stairs.


"Can you use teleport to teleport me to Marian?! Or locate her with location?! I NEED to talk to her about something!" The necessity in his voice was extreme.

"I could try, but she's masked her magical presences very well. There are a few around here that match hers."

"Teleport me to the one that's closer."

"Alright. It'll be ten seconds before I can teleport you back, so if anything happens you have to hold out on your own. I don't worry about that, though."

"Do it." With a flick of her wrist the blond disappeared.


Meliodas appeared in a field. As he looked around he saw a giant boar running towards him. "Huh." He kept dodging until the final second. He punched the boar into the air as Merlin teleported him back.

"Find her?"

"No... just a boar." He sighed as he layed down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Thought so." The female got ready for another teleport. "Again?"

"No.. I'm good for now."

"Alright. I'll work on locating her for now." The raven-ette strolled out of the room, leaving Meliodas alone.

"What did that dream mean? It can't be just a coincidence..."

A/N: Sorry last chapter was short. I really wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger!

After this book I will rewrite 'The War of Magic' and if I can juggle it I'll write the sequel to this book at the same time!

If anyone can figure out who the girl with Marian in my profile pic is I'll write the sequal sooner and like... add your oc. Yeah! That sounds good XD

I'll also do a Starco fanfiction (Star x Marco from the show Star Versus the Forces of Evil), a RWBY fanfiction, and 'Dragon's Secret'.

But this is the end. Sorry to leave it off on so much mystery, but I want you guys to keep reading! I'll make another book for shipping bc there are still a few I wanna write!

Thanks for reading my book!


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