Chapter 7

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Marian groaned as she sat up in bed. She had small cuts on her arms and legs, and she felt tear stains on her cheeks. "What happened last night..? This is what I get for getting drunk.." She muttered. 

The memories from the night before hit her like a tidal wave. Meliodas talking to her, him leaving, her crying, falling... swimming? Oh... I 'slipped' off the roof and into the river.. That's why.. She looked around the room, which happened to be the guys room. "Why the hell am I in the guys room?"

"Ria and Nora claimed the girls room last night, so we had a sleepover type thing in here. Well, Captain and Elizabeth stayed in their room." Marian whipped her head around-much to her dismay and pain- to see Nia sitting on the bed next to her.

"Ria seemed very attached to Nor- OH GOD!" She covered her eyes. 

"Are you OK Mari?!" Nia rushed to her side. 


"Ohhhh..." Nia sat back down and chuckled slightly. 

"But Ria is such a cinnamon role!"

"Which is why she's neko"

"Stop talking! You're making it worse!"


"Stop messing with her Nia, she just woke up from falling in a river." King said from the doorway. "Can you walk Marian?"

"I... think so" Marian said as she swung her feet to the floor. When she put pressure on her feet, she yelped and recoiled. "Nope!"

"I'll have Ban bring something up, then." King said as he floated out on his pillow.

"No, I'm fine!" Marian exclaimed before he left. 

"If you can get down the stairs BY YOUR SELF by the time he's done cooking, you can stay downstairs." King chuckled to himself.

"I accept your challenge." She grinned.

"Half an hour. Let's go, Nia!"

"Sure thing! Good luck Mari!~" She said as she walked out of the room.

"Let's see.... any sort of wheel or stick in here..?" She asked to herself. "Oh, I'll try the closet!" She slowly crawled to the closet on her hands and knees.

She dug through the men's messy piles of clothes and pulled out some old sticks and some bed sheets to tie them together with. "Perfect!" She made quick work of them, making make-shift crutches. 

She used the 'crutches' to pull herself up. She slowly walked to the doors. Luckily, King and Nia had left it open for her.

As she neared the stairs she groaned. "This'll be tough.." She muttered as she slowly made her way down the stairs. As she reached the bottom floor King looked up at her.

"So you could come downstairs on your own.."

"Yeah, you guys should really clean out your closet though.." she said as she sat down at the closest table. "Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaan give me fooooooooooooood!" She yelled to the kitchen.

"I'm working on it, cut me some slack!" He yelled back.

"But foooooooood!"

"Make your own food, then!"

"I can barely walk, much less hold a pan while leaning on these fake crutches!"

"To bad! If you ask again you're making your own!"

"Yes Sir!" She mocked, the others that were gathered chuckled.

"So Mari, what happened last night?" Meliodas asked as Ban served people food.

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