Side Story/AU 1

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A/N: Again, this has nothing to do with the story. There will be another for another friend, and they're both their OCs x an existing character. Their OC's aren't mine!

Then there'll be a couple AUs!

All the dresses are in the previous chapter. Although I'm changing them as I write and find more, so check them again before reading this chapter XD

This chapter will start out the same as the actual one that isn't a side-story AU thing, so if it seems familiar that's why. Also, Elizabeth doesn't exist in this AU because shipping conflicts! So neither does Coda, I guess ._.

Marian also isn't depressed or have the bandanna thing

"Wow, the castles to big!" Ria exclaimed in awe.

"Yeah, Arthur did a good job designing it!" Nia said from the roof of the Boar Hat. Hawks Mom had recently settled down into her little crater, and everyone was getting ready to leave.

"What's the ball for?" Gwen asked as she walked out of the bar, followed by Greta. The stars on their dresses shimmered as they walked, but not enough to blind anyone. Just... cute.

"Anniversary of the defeat of Hendrickson. Liones and Camelot have festivals and balls today."

"Then why didn't we stay in Liones?" Asked Hawk.

"Because we need to get Merlin. She had to return to Camelot a year or two ago to help Arthur."

"It'll be nice to see her." Yuka said from the tree she was leaning on. Her blue dress touched the ground softly and her long hair cascaded over her shoulders neatly. Yuka and Merlin shared a bond before she left. They both had an interest in experiments and magic and the like.

"Let's get going!" Marian said as she and the girls stood in the doorway, dressed in their dresses for the ball.

"It's gonna be a long night of dancing and men." Nora muttered.

"Yeah, it'll be fun~" Nia cheered.

"That's you."

"Fair point~"

The group neared the castle as they walked through the city. People stared at them, but no one made any comments. They knew who they were and why they were here, and they respected them for what they did 15 years ago.

They walked to the door an announced themselves. The doorman opened the door and they walked in. People were dancing with each other in extravagant gowns and suits. Arthur was visible from his throne, but Merlin's seat was empty. The boy waved the the newcomers when he noticed them, then went back to talking to the other people on the balcony.

"Wonder where Merlin is." Ban said, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Let's head down, we'll find her eventually." Marian said as she walked down the large staircase.

They danced for hours, but Meliodas stood and watched. He had no one to dance with, so he watched. Marian would have been with him, if Nia hadn't forced her to dance with her when she wasn't dancing with a guy.

"Why are you alone? You should be dancing." Said a female voice. Meliodas turned around the see a girl in a long dress. She had short green hair that didn't touch her shoulders. She could've easily been mistaken for a man. 

"Don't have anyone to dance with" Replied the blond, obviously staring at her tits.

"May I have this dance then?" She asked as the music changed to a different song.

"Sure." the walked to the dance floor with the other couples and started dancing. Meliodas saw Ban leave Gowther on the dance floor and stalk off somewhere. He thought of it as nothing and continued to dance. "So what's your name?"

"Ayane Darkstalker." She smiled down at him, since he was short.

"Pretty name. I'm-" He started but was cut off by his dancing partner.

"I know who you are. Don't know anyone who wouldn't. You're Meliodas, Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins!"

"Why is everyone forming a circle around us...?" He asked as he realized the people watching them. 

"Cause we're dancing."

"Mari, stop taking pictures!" He noticed the girl taking a picture of them dancing. 

"Never! OW!" Marian held her head tenderly. "Why'd you do that?!" She glared at the blond, who stuck his tongue out at her.

"Because you were taking pictures."

"Wow, you're fast."

"Guess- OW!" He turned and glared at the crowd to see Marian laughing her ass off. "What was that for?!"

"You hit me!"

"We're settling this later."

"I'd be glad to~" She sat back and watched the two. Ayane laughed as they danced, and the whole ballroom erupted with the sound. Merlin smiled from the doorway as she left.

They danced until the end of the song, and for three after that.

They finally stopped dancing when they got tired. "Wanna go somewhere else? This place is loud." Meliodas asked after finishing his drink.

"Sure" Ayane replied as they walked out of the ballroom together, but not without a couple witnesses.


The couple walked through the castle's garden, talking, getting to know each other, when a portal opened out of nowhere. A man walked through.



"You have to come home."

"But Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad"

"No buts! Get through the portal."

"Fine... just let me say goodbye...." She turned to the blond standing awkwardly by her side. "I have to go, but I'll be back someday, OK?" She smiled and waved as she entered the portal.

"I won't keep her away to long."

"She'll know where to find me. Nice to meet you."

"I wish it was under different circumstances, but I'll see you again."

And with that he walked through the portal after his daughter. The portal closed and left Meliodas alone.


A/N: Ayane's dress is the same as Elizabeth's bc I'm to lazy to find another one for her XD

Sorry this one was a little shorter than the rest, not ever 1,000 words! But I might make another chapter off of this one where she comes back. Dunno though. Tell me if you want me to or not. Have a good day, Ciao~

Sea Bunnies

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