Chapter 6

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Alexander's P.O.V.

I wrapped Saphires body in a blanket. I hadn't meant for her to fall in the river and I nearly had a heart attack when she did. But luckily I was able to get her out in time.

At that moment she stirred and started to cough. I patted her back untill all the water was out of her lungs. When Saphire could breathe again she looked around, taking in her surroundings. Not that there was much to take in.

I had brought her to an old hunters cabin, just outside Firestone pack borders. The sun had set a few minutes ago. Covering the cabin in a blanket of darkness.

Saphire looked at me, or in my direction.

"Where am I?" She asked.

"Sitting on my lap." I answered.

With the dim lighting I could make out that she frowned.

"I'm serious." She said.

"Are you cold?" I asked, changing the subject.

Saphire wrapped the blanket tighter around her body.

"A bit." She mumbled.

I picked her up and brought her to the carpet in front of the fireplace. After I had sat Saphire down next to me I flicked my wrist. Emmediatly the fireplace crackled to life. The flames sending a warm glow to the room.

Saphire gulped. As if suddenly remembering I was a Firestone pack member. I smirked and pulled her closer to me, making sure she couldn't see my face.

I didn't want her to know we were mates. Not yet.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Saphire said.

I smiled. "I have a habbit of doing that don't I?"

Saphire sighed. Probably realising I wasn't planning on telling her.

"Why did you save me?" She suddenly asked. "I mean, you're a firestone pack member. The water could've killed you." Her voice was barley above a whisper.

I didn't know how to answer her question without giving away what I was trying to hide.

So I did what I usually did and changed the subject.

"So what were you doing on the other side of the border anyway?" I asked.

Saphire didn't answer and the silence in the room grew, only to be disturbed by the crackling of firewood. I rested my head on Saphire's. Then she spoke.

"I was looking for a sign of you." She said.

Her words made me happy, but I pushed the feeling away. She was probably lookoing for me for completly different reasons than what I was hoping.

I sighed. "I think it's time for you to go back to the Bluemoon pack." I said.

"What?" Saphire sounded confused and tried to look at me. But I kept her head in place. Then I started to whisper in her ear.

"If anyone asks you swam out of the river and  climbed on to shore a bit further away. You found an old cabin and decided to warm up before going back. Got it?"

She nodded. "Good." I whispered.

"Oh, and sorry by the way."

"For what?"


I placed my fingers on her temples and half a second later she passed out.


I gently placed Saphire on the ground by the river. Then carefully shook her awake. Slowley she came around and looked at me groggily.

"Remember what happened?" I asked.

She looked confused for a moment. Her eyelids still half drooping.

"This never happened." I whispered.

"Hmmmm." Saphire said.


Shoot, it was Andrew. I quickley placed my lips on Saphires forehead before disapearing.


I arrived back at my pack and walked towards the pack house. I opened the door and was emmedialty greeted by a wave of heat. I smiled. Even though Firestone pack members never got cold, it was always nice to come home after being outside in the cold all day.

Especially after nearly freezing to death in a river.

"Hey Alex! Where've you been?"

That was Damon, the Alpha of this pack. He also happpened to be a good freind of mine.

I fell into the couch beside Damon and sighed in content. To my side there was a big fire in the fire place. The packhouse was emty besides us. The sun being down and all.

"You know, around." I answered.

Damon snorted. "You mean stalking your mate."

Yes I had told him about Saphire. I had tell someone right?

"You could say that." I said.

Damon shook his head. "I can't believe you haven't told her yet. It's been like two years since you knew. I'm twenty-four and still haven't my mate."

"Don't worry, you'll find her eventually." I said.

Damon rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and Granny Ann is going to go ice-skating this winter." He said sarcastically.

Granny Ann was the oldest member of this pack. And quite sadly, had never found her mate. She assumed he died before she could meet him. She wasn't really anyones granny, but that's just how we called her.

"So, what did you do anyway?" Damon asked.

And the rest of the evening we stayed up as I told Damon what happened.

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