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I hit the wall releasing all of my anger. What is he even doing here...don't tell me that his intentions were..."Jellal!" I looked up seeing Erza standing in front. "Is everything alright with Ultear?" I nodded putting on a smile. "Let's go back home. I feel hungry." She blushed the moment I wrapped my arms around her. I chuckled knowing her thoughts of me drinking her blood. Then she pulled her collar slightly making me blush now. "Here...if you" I laughed, "You're so cute Erza, all I meant was getting something to eat."

She blinked twice before buttoning up her collar. "It's so embarrassing." She muttered softly at the back.

"Jellal~!" Wendy came hugging and swinging around me tightly. "You look great back there! Oooohhh did I interfere something?" Both me and Erza shook our heads, "Nothing!" She giggled skipping away, "I'll be waiting for your outside."

"How's Meredy doing?" I asked knowing that Ultear was once her close friend. Erza sighed, "I don't know but she was quiet the whole time. I think you should talk to her."


After finishing our meal I went upstairs wanting to talk to Meredy. I opened my room door seeing her staring at the night sky through the balcony. I closed the door behind and stood beside her. "Is there anything you want to talk about?" I started the conversation and she replied by shaking her head. "Nah its fine."

I sighed heavily patting on her head. "If there's anything you want to talk about it, just tell me." She gave a soft smile, "Thanks Jellal." She gave a hug before leaving to her room.

After that I closed the glass door and took off my shirts leaving me with my boxers on. I slumped over to the bed trying to put my thoughts about Siegrain away. I'll have to do something about the engagement party, maybe I should just attend there and settle things once and for all. Although I'll have to give an explanation to the council members about the situation.

You've really grown Jellal...calling me impress..."

I snapped out of my thoughts. Master? I could hear her voice inside of my head but where could she have gone to? "Master...I miss you..." Without further or due I was already dozing off into the darkness.


Meredy came downstairs after I was done washing the dishes. "Oh hey Meredy you want some dessert? How about Strawberry Souffle?" She smiled back, "Yeah sure, thanks Erza." I handed the dessert to her and took my share as well. Wendy had already eaten her dessert and now she's sleeping on the couch. I covered her with my blanket and peck a kiss on her forehead. "You have a cute little sister." said Meredy as I sat down opposite of her. "Yeah."

Then I saw Meredy was having some thoughts before putting down her spoon. "I want to apologize to you Erza." I gasped, "There's nothing to apologize, you didn't do any wrong."

"No, its just that I feel bad for not being able to protect you properly. I mean back there when Ultear almost killed you, I didn't do a proper job as a guardian and a friend." I walked over to her and gave a warm hug. "It's ok Meredy, you did your best. I'm sure Jellal understands."

"I just didn't want him to worry about me. I know he's going through a lot and he always tire himself out. I can't help but worry about his health."

"His health?" I said finishing the last scoop of my favourite dessert. Meredy shook her head. "Oh, sorry word just slip out. I just don't want you to feel worry. Sorry." I shook my head, "No, if there's anything that I can help with, you can tell me."

She sighed and told me something about his health. After a long conversation I decided to get some shut eye for the day. I went up to my room and took a quick shower before going to bed. I wore my black nightgown and sat on the bed, setting the alarm for tomorrow.

I can't help but worried about him coping with his health. Sometimes, I do feel he's in pain but he always cover up with that smile of his, like it was nothing. I clutched my pillow tightly lying back down on the bed, turning to my right side. I just noticed that he hasn't been drinking blood for the past few days.

Then I felt someone ran through my hair and over my body. I turned around and almost screamed seeing Jellal. I gasped, "Jellal, what are you doing here?" He grinned as he wrapped his arms around my waist, taking a sniff of my scent from bottom till my neck. "You do smell nice Erza..." I blushed hearing his sexy voice echoed in my ear. I let out a slight moan the moment he started nibbling my neck. I let out a giggle, "Hey that tickles! Stop it! Hahaha!" He snickered and bit down hard on my neck drawing out some blood. I yelped feeling the sharpness of his fangs.

Soon, I started to feel dizzy due to loss of blood. My vision was getting slightly blur as I gasped out, "Jellal, I'm getting dizzy here..." He didn't respond and kept on sucking my blood. "Please Jellal, I'm gonna...faint..." I struggled but his grasps was stronger. "Your blood is sweet, I can't stop my thirst." He sank in deeper than before making me yelped again. "Jellal!" I lost all my energy as he let go while I fall at his arms. I was too tired and my body was feeling cold like ice. The last thing I could hear was him laughing softly at the back before I black out.


I shot my eyes opened. "It can't be...Erza..." I dashed out and burst through Erza's room opened. She's gone. Then I noticed there were drops of blood stained on the floor and on the bed. I dropped to my knees, gritting my teeth and clenched my fists. "Look what you've done, you've angered me."


I felt some odd presence as I dashed upstairs to Erza's room. I stopped seeing Jellal on his knees and I realized that Erza was gone. A sudden dark aura burst out forth from Jellal. "Jellal..." He started laughing and stood up, "You stay here, I'm going back to reclaim my property." 

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