The Secret Of The Past

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We reached at Hargeon Port around one and half an hour later. Natsu and Lucy planned to go for a movie along with Gray and Juvia. Levy, Mira, Meredy and Cana were off to the shopping mall to grab something to eat. And...its only just the three of us. "So you want to head back home or do you want something to eat?" I said looking up at Jellal who was deep in thought. I came in front of him waving my hand. "Hello, earth to Jellal...wakey wakey!" He snapped out of his thoughts, "You were saying?"

"Do you want to go home or grab something to eat?" I asked the second time waiting for his reply. "How about we eat something at home." he said as I nodded happily. "That's a great idea! I'll get us an uber!" I said taking out my phone and started using the app that I just installed recently. Thanks to Levy and Lucy I really fell in love with this app. Its fast and affordable.

"Hey there Erza, Jellal!" Mavis popped out of nowhere. "You almost scare me!" I said almost jumping in fright. "What you are doing here Mavis?" said Jellal as she giggled landing on the ground. Zera was as usual hiding behind her. "We thought of looking around to see what's Magnolia like. This is our first time exploring Fiore!" She was squealing excitedly looking around the port. "If that's the case, why don't you stay with us for a while? My place has an extra room that could fit the two of you." Her eyes gleamed, "Really? That would be wonderful!"

The next thing the uber car just arrived to the scene. "Let's go!" I said pulling Jellal and Wendy along. Jellal was putting the luggage at the back of the car while I was sitting at the back seat with Wendy and the others.


I was putting the luggage when all of the sudden something dropped to the floor. I picked it up recognizing the pendant that Hades dropped it back then.

"Jellal I entrust that to you for a while, please take good care of it. Its important."

I noticed the pendant was opened as I looked at it inside and felt shocked seeing the picture in it. "Jellal? What's wrong?" Erza popped out her head from the car. My hand started shaking and my body was trembling. "No way..." Then I sensed something as I turned around finding someone dressed in black with a hood standing, watching me from the corner. The person started walking away as I ran off, following the person.

"Jellal where you're going?"

I followed the person until I reached a dead end within the buildings. The person stopped and revealed his identity. My eyes shot wide seeing Hades himself. I gritted my teeth and gripped his collar hitting against the wall. "Tell me something! What is the meaning of this!" I said while showing the pendant to him. He sighed heavily, "Looks like the truth is finally out huh. That's right, your mother was my first love." I gasped as I released his collar and took few steps back. "It can't be right...but..."

"We both met when we were in the same academy several years ago. We were so deeply interested in the world of magic that we always stayed in the library till late at night. I was deeply moved by the way she talks, acts and even showed her kindness to everyone. About that time, I was ready to proposed to her, asking for her hand in marriage but that didn't happened. Turns out she met another man who was in the same academy as well, your father. She introduced me to him and since then we three were hanging out together. They gotten closer every day until they got married right after graduation. We lost contact after that, for many years I was continuing with my research in the world of magics. I was spending most of my time studying different magics and even discovered some new ones. Then one day I got a message about their deaths. I was broken hearted hearing that she was brutally murdered and killed. I went all the way to the palace to see her one last time but her body was no-where to be found. Everything was destroyed and burnt but I found a photo of her and kept it in my pendant. The reason is that I won't ever forget her beautiful face and all those memories we had when were young."

"You loved her..." I said softly as he sighed. "Well, you can say that but it's all in the past. My feelings for her are slowly fading away. I know I can never see her again." I clenched my fists, "No you're wrong...she's still alive." He gasped, "Its impossible that she's alive, I heard she was killed."

"She is, I saw her with my own eyes but something was different with her. She was with Zeref..."

He gripped my shoulders shaking me, "You're tired Jellal, I think you should just go back home. Forget about what I just told you and I'll be taking that pendant away."

"No...there's more things I want to ask. Why did you attack my friends the other day? What was your purpose in doing so? You really think that I would just believed everything you said just now about loving my mom!?!"

"Just listen here brat, whatever I'm telling is the truth! However, the fact that I attacked the other day was only one purpose... that is to obtain that servant girl's powers." My eyes widened, "What?" He gave a stern look, "Yes, I'm sure you do know how intense her magic power is, but, there's a strong magic barrier that is sealing up. I'm guessing it must be a powerful wizard's doing and plus, I could sense some of it was from you, Jellal."

I knew what he was talking about. When I met Erza during the incident, I could sensed tons of magic energy flowing in her and it was sealed by my very own master. Everytime I drink her blood, I tried to strengthen the magic barrier so that she wouldn't have to suffer. Once the barrier breaks, she wouldn't have a full control of it. "Anyhow, I won't let you lay a finger on her." I said sternly as he hissed at the same time. "I hope you should consider this carefully Jellal. No matter what, one day her powers will break free and things won't go well. She might even die from it since she has never used them before."

I gritted my teeth trying to calm myself down. "It won't happen." He stopped looking at me shocked. "What?" I tighten my fists, "I won't let her die. I'll take all her pain and suffering so that she won't have to go through them again." I threw the pendant back to him and started walking off. "And how would you do that?" he asked. I stopped and looked back at him, grinning. "You don't have to know Hades, its none of your business. Anyway, I'll be ready in case you're planning on any attack." He hissed and I walked off leaving him alone.

I came back to the place where Erza and Wendy was. I saw Erza was crossing her arms and she was slightly pissed. "Alright mister, where did you ran off to just now?" I gulped trying to think of something, an excuse. I can't let her know what happened just now. "I was in the bathroom."

She raised her eyebrow, looking at me for a while before getting back to the car. "Alright, but are you really sure you're fine Jellal, cause just now your face and body was trembling." I shook my head, "I was suddenly feeling nervous."

We both went in the car and the driver drove us back to Magnolia. We were silent throughout the journey until Erza started the conversation. "Don't lie to me Jellal...just tell me the truth, what happened just now." I sighed taking a deep breath before answering her question, "I'll tell you when the right time comes. I'm just not sure how to tell you this but when the time comes, I'll tell you everything." She rested her head on my shoulders, "I'll wait, but if there's anything you want to tell me, I will always be right by your side...till the end..." She fell asleep after that. My cheeks flushed hearing a soft snore and how soft and silky her hair is.

"I'll wait huh..." I said to myself and looked through the window. "Hhhmmm I see someone's blushing." I gasped realizing Mavis was giving a smirk. I hid my face under my bangs feeling nervous. She chuckled and joined with us at the back. "Aaah you don't need to feel shy Jellal, its a common thing to fall in love with someone. I can see that its fate for the two of you." I placed Erza's head over my lap and straighten myself. "Hey Mavis, can I ask you a question?" She smiled, "Yeah what is it?"

"Do you any spell that could..." I paused for a while, thinking twice before asking. "Uhm never mind, forget what I asked." She tilted her head to the side, "Is something bothering you?" I shook her head, "No its fine, I forgot actually what I wanted to ask." It's best if no one doesn't know about this. I looked down seeing her sleeping so comfortably on my lap. I brushed her hair, playing with her long silky bangs. I gave a soft smile, I won't let you suffer Erza, that I promise you. 

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