Chapter Four: Now The Journey Starts!

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Darkocean woke, she looked at her back. Nightbreak was still asleep.

Darkocean carefully stood so she wouldn't wake Nightbreak.

She looked over,Horizon was flying up to a tree and landed on branch and started to collect the Loples from the tree.

Loples were dark, almost black, purple sweet fruit, and sometimes helped get rid of stress. They were oval shaped with a long gray stem and light purples leaves. They also had black seeds in the middle.

"Good morning,Horizon!" Darkocean yelled up to her. Horizon squeaked back in response.

Darkocean sat down and sighed,watching the sunrise over the hills and above the trees.

She then heard rustling,she turned around and saw Nightbreak rubbing his eyes, "Morning.." He mumbled. Darkocean smiled at Nightbreak, "Good morning!"

Horizon jumped down off of the branch, and as she did a few Loples fell from her arms.

Nightbreak and Darkocean ran to Horizon and helped her pick up the Loples.

Afterwards,they ate the Loples. They were sweet,but can sometimes be bitter right in the middle around the seed.

"Sooooo... Do we start heading to the Lightingwing Kingdom?" Nightbreak asked,spitting a Lople seed out of his mouth.

"Yes, we should start heading there after we are finished finished eating." She told him,looking over at Horizon.

Horizon was squeezing the Lople on a cut on her arm. Darkocean forgot the Lople's juice was like a healing item for everything for the Kolgons.

It healed cuts and bruises. It stopped broken bones from hurting. It also helped a sore muscle, wing, and everything else.

"What happened, Horizon?" Darkocean asked,Nightbreak spit another seed out of his mouth.

"When I jump in bush, a thorn hit me." She winced as the juice dripped onto her cut.

Nightbreak sighed,"Darkocean, why didn't you use your powers to heal her cu-"

"Oh. I'm fine!" Horizon cut him off,smiling.

Darkocean giggled, "If I did,it would be a waste,as you can see. She healed the cut on her own. I only heal others when they are badly hurt." She explained.

Nightbreak shrugged, then stood."Can we start going? " he asked,stretching his wings. He took out a three big pouch's and one extra, from behind him.

Darkocean nodded "Sure! Horizon are you rea-"

"Yep! I'm always ready!" She chirped lifting into the air.

Darkocean smiled at Nightbreak, he smiled back. Then they lifted into the air and started on their journey.




Darkocean,Horizon, and Nightbreak were very tired after flying four hours. The land of Sililna was huge and the Lightingwing kingdom is on one side of Sililna while the Midnightwing Kingdom was on the opposite side. So it would be a long while before they got to the Lightingwing kingdom

Nightbreak kept complaining about how long there were flying. While his pet,who was basically born a year ago. Was being more mature.

"Nightbreak, just shut up! Horizon is being more mature then you!" Darkocean yelled after and hour of complaining from Nightbreak.

Horizon smirked,as though she had waited for Darkocean to say that to Nightbreak.

Nightbreak flushed with embarrassment. He seemed to have seen Horizon's smirk.

Darkocean giggled,Horizon smirked, and Nightbreak looked away. He was silent for the next two hours. Then they decided to take a break and rest, they landed in a cave.

"Finally, my wings are so sore..." Nightbreak complained.

"Shut up,master Nightbreak." Horizon giggled, as though saying shut up reminded her of when she was being more mature then her master.

Nightbreak growled then turned to the wall. The he gasped,"Hey! Look! Look!" He jumped up.

Darkocean looked over and saw a huge wall full of gems. "Wow.." Darkocean and Horizon said in unison. They giggled. "Well,help me get the gems!" Nightbreak yelled,taking some.

Darkocean and Horizon carefully dug the gems out of the wall,they had gotten,diamonds,rubys,emeralds, and  Midloks.

Midloks were pitch black gems with a single,almost flame like, white spot right in the middle. It also had a whitish golden glow to it.

When they finished they lay down on the stone floor. Nightbreak took wet grass out of his pouch and placed it down. He made a big bed for all three of them,but there was one dry scratchy grass spot for Horizon, Horizon loved to sleep on dry scratchy grass. It was a bit weird to Nightbreak and Darkocean. But they knew Horizon was a Kolgon.

After they got ready for ready to sleep. Darkocean lay in between Nightbreak and Horizon.

"What a journey this has already become, and what it will soon become." She thought happily, as Nightbreak let out a long big snore.

Darkocean giggled, then closed her eyes.

She was ready for the rest of the journey to come right at her.

(More shall be coming!)

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