Chapter 4: Alison's Past

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I didn't want t leave you with a cliff hanger so I posted this one as soon as I could. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Soul Eater or any of the characters except for Alison and Cecilia. Hope you like this chapter!!


Ali's P.O.V.

I sighed as I began to tell her about my past, "When I was about seven or eight I found out that I have a magic eye. It's basically when I go mad, my soul wavelength goes up and I have an incredable magic power. My family ran a small company and not many people liked my family, sadly including me. They made deals with witches and soon, people found out. Kids my age started to beat me up too. I didn't really mind that though.

My mom and dad took everything personally and when they got frustrated, they took it out on me. By beating me most of the time." Cecilia gasped when I said that they beat me but motioned me to continue so I did, "I learned to bear with it and that's how I learned to get stronger. I had one brother and he taught me how to get away from my parents when they were angry, and how to tell when the are. The madness slowly got to me though. And it was to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. My brother tried the best he could to make me sane but it didn't work. Oh ya... I also had a little sister about two years old at the time."

The pain seeped through my words and Cecilia didn't say anything. I started to tear up a little but shook it away. I continued, "Once I was mad, there was no going back. A voice in my head kept telling me to kill my family. Eventually I did. I can't go into detail how I killed them because it's mostly just a blur. But I do remember my clothes and hair turning black. My hair was shorter then usual and I had swords come out of nowhere. I murdered my family. Each one of them... The only thing that my mother treasured was her necklace that she had gotten before any of us were born, and when I saw her dead body on the ground, I took her necklace. I threw it out the window and it had shattered. Everyone who witnessed it saw me when the madness got to me, so they didn't notice who I was."

I let evrything sink in and then I continued, "After I did that, I ran away but found a friend. They left me too... Because of a witch though. But that's a different story. A while after that, I learned to somewhat controll it. I stopped once I had met you only because...."

I trailed off a little but started to talk again, "But i never try because I don't want to hurt you or anyone else... Cecilia." I looked at her with concerned eyes and she said, "Yes?" "If you ever see me with bright blue eyes- brighter then yours - run. Run from me. Promise me that you will run." I said. She looked at me like i was crazy, "I'm not running from you just because of that stupid madness. Got that?" she said it in a harsh tone that made me start to tear up. I hated to show that I was weak but I needed to cry. I haven't in so long.

"You know you're a complete idiot right?" I smiled a little. She smiled back at me, "Always will be!" There was silence for a bit but Cecilia broke it by saying, "What were you and Soul talking about?"

She gave me a look like she was about to laugh but was trying to be serious. Oh gosh... She thought that... I started to blush a little but hit her playfully, "Oh shut up! It's not like that!!" That made her burst out laughing. Now I know what her and Maka were laughing at... They thought that Soul and I liked each other.. I'm going to get them back for that one.

"I found something when i went to go check out the noise." Once I said that she shut up and looked at me confused, "What did you find?" I took my mother's necklace out of my pocket and showed her, "This is my mother's necklace." She looked at it wide eyed for a while, but then she talked in a soft tone, "Let's worry about this some other time. I don't want you to think to much about it okay?" "Alright," I answered. I'm really glad that I have her as my friend, but sometimes she worries too much about me. I don't deserve someone like her, but she's there for me. Forever and Always. I hope....

Soul's P.O.V.

I nodded at Ali, understanding what she was trying to tell me. I wouldn't tell Maka about the necklace. Maka looked at me a little confused, "What was that all about?" "What are you talking about?" I asked. Maka just giggled and said, "Nothing. Never mind."

Well she let that go way too easily... We started to walk back to our appartment and I looked back at where we dropped Ali and Cecilia off. I hope she's going to tell Cecilia about the necklace. Her partner deserves to know. I'm actually pretty surprised that Ali let me see the necklace without questioning me.

Once I thought about that, I understood what Maka was laughing about. "What's so funny Maka?" I asked her hoping I was wrong. "Nothing," she giggled some more. "Nothing's funny." Yep. She thought that I liked Ali.... Which is weird because I just met her today. But do I actually like her? I mean I feel like I could trust her, but that's just because I consider her as a friend. Right? I felt blush rising but I made it stop right away. I shook the thoughts from my head too. I can't be thinking like this.

The rest of the walk was pretty much silent and once we got to our appartment I went straight to bed. Only for two reasons though. 1. I was actually tired and 2. I didn't want to deal with Maka talking about me having a "crush" on Ali. Which I didn't Right?

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