Chapter 1: News

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Hello! Just a quick message.. This is my very fist fanfic based on a romantic relationship between Elsa from Frozen and Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians. Just so you know, I don't own these characters and all rights go to Disney and Pixar! Anyway, hope you enjoy this first chapter, it's mostly about Elsa finding out that she is being sent of to the 'Legerdemain School for Gifted Children", Jack will appear in, hopefully, the next chapter. The next chapters are on the way if you guys think this one is any good! x

Copyright © 2014 Lena Warner

Chapter 1

"Elsa" my sister, Anna's, bubbly voice rang out from the other side of my bedroom door. I was looking out of the big window, glancing at the people in the village. The children playing and dancing. The people selling their goods in the market in the village square. They all seemed so content. I knew I would never be as happy as them. I knew I didn't deserve it. A sigh escaped my lungs when I finally replied to Anna's call.

"Yes?" I said with a grim voice.

"Father and mother wish to see you in fathers study. They say that they have very important news to tell you." Her voice was slightly muffled my the door separating us.

"Just a minute." My grim voice responded. Curiosity stirred in the pit of my stomach. Important news? For me? This was very rare.

"Alright, I was just asked to deliver this message. See you later then! Maybe, if you ever come out of that darn room. " Anna laughed awkwardly "Um.. Yeah. Anyway, bye!" I heard her footsteps make their way down the hall, until I could no longer hear her.

I glanced at the clock. It was noon and I had not yet done my hair, which was tied back in a messy braid. I looked at the dress I was wearing. It was a deep, rich, green colour. Quickly I grabbed a dark purple cape from my closet and fixed the mess that was my white-blond hair into a neater braid which fell halfway down my back. My pale blue gloves were still on my hands. They were soft and I felt so bare without them. And of course I can't touch anything when I'm not wearing them. Taking a glimpse of myself in the mirror that stood in the corner of my room I took a deep breath. I was good to go and so I approached the door calmly. Placed my gloved hand on the door knob and twisted it.

The hallway was empty. I was surprised by how sad I felt that Anna was gone, even though I hardly ever see her. I'm scared to see her. I'm scared to hurt her, again, like all those years ago when we played in the grand hall. That was when I realised that what I had was not a gift, but a curse. A wretched curse that stopped me from being with people that I love. And it was getting stronger. Like the morning our maid Susan came to deliver my breakfast. I had forgotten to put my gloves on. So stupid, stupid, stupid. I had touched Susan's fingertips as I was taking the breakfast tray from her. Mistake, that was a big mistake.

She had to be sent home that day. She had gotten a fatal cold. From me. She was on the brink of death! It was all because of me. And this goddamn curse. First I thought it was if I only willed my power to come. But now I know that even a simple touch, if I'm not concentrating on concealing, will be harmful. Frustration bubbled inside of me. Tears threatened to fall.

But I just lifted my chin up high. Let my hands fall to my sides and made my way down to my fathers study.

* * *

When I entered the study, the breath got caught in my lungs. I had forgotten how beautiful this room was. The ceiling arched metres and metres above me. A grand chandelier hung from it. The furniture was made of dark ebony. And the books. Oh there were so many! Book shelves covered every inch of the walls. In those shelves were books upon books. So many colourful spines. And in the middle of it all was the desk were my mother and father stood. Books were piled up on the floor, reaching the height of the desk. It looks like my father had been studying something.

On the desk was a single envelope. Whatever news they had to offer, it was probably in there. In that envelope. I began to feel rather nervous. I scanned my parents faces to see if they contained any emotions. My fathers face was strict as always. But my mothers. I could see grief in her eyes. Now I knew this was not going to be good news.

I wanted to turn around and to run. Run back to the safety of my bedroom. But I needed to know what they had to say.

"Elsa, dear. I'm glad you're here." My father was the first to speak "as you have heard from your sister we have some news for you."

"Yes I heard. What is it?" I asked as soon as I regained my voice, after admiring the study.

"It looks like you will be going away for some time."

"What? Going were?" Panic rose up in my chest.

"To a private school." Father replied calmly. How was he so calm?

"What do you mean? What school?" I frowned.

"The 'Legerdemain School for Gifted Children." My mother whispered. I have heard of the school before. Teenagers who have abnormal abilities went there.

I looked at my mother. My eyes searching hers, hoping this was a mistake. A joke. Anything but the truth. As if she could read my mind, she just shook her head.

"You will be going there until you graduate in three years." My father continued. I'll be 18 when I leave the school. Unbelievable!

"But why?" I cried. " I will just hurt people there. That is the only thing I'm good at! This' I thruster my hands at them 'is not a gift! Its a curse!"

" These people could help you! Elsa, you must understand! We're doing this for your own good." My mothers voice grew louder.

I stared at them for a minute in disbelief. I get it. They want to get rid of me. They're scared I will almost kill someone again. They don't want me here.

"Fine." I say. My voice is so calm and even, it shocks me. My father turns toward a the desk, picking up the envelope. He walks over to me.

"This is your acceptance letter. We must leave in 2 days. Only pack necessary items, as others will be supplied for you." He said, his voice breaking a little. I gently take the envelope. It feels heavy in my palms. Then, unexpectedly he pulls me into a fierce hug. I hug him back. Tears threaten to fall, once again that day.

I hear my mother come over. Father steps away to give me some space. I can see my mother is on the brink of crying. Her delicate hands cup my face.

"My darling Elsa." She whispers. Then she plants a light kiss on my forehead. "We will miss you so very much. But you need to see that the three years in this school will help you. You may learn to control your powers and you won't have to worry about hurting anyone anymore."

I nod silently, unable to say anything to them.

"Thank you" she smiled. A sad smile it was.

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