Chapter 7: Midnight Kiss

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Authors Note:
Hello! I'm sorry I have not been updating, like, at all, but when I started this fanfic I had a week off school and so I was writing as much as I could! Now that I'm back I school I haven't been writing that much and so new chapters won't be as frequent! Hopefully you'll still hang around :)


Chapter 7

Jack led me down the hall, his soft warm hands around mine. A weird giddiness was taking over and I heard myself giggle, despite the tears still drying on my face. This whole situation seemed funny, in a way. My whole life has been flipped upside down in only number of days. And now, I was running of into the night with a blue eyed boy with hair white as snow. Jack turned to me, probably hearing my giggle and smiled. We didn't stop running.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise, my dear" Jack replied. At that I smiled. A warm feeling unfolded inside of me. It was exciting being alone with Jack. Just the two of us, going God knows where. We came to the end of the hall where there was nothing but a giant window. I lifted an eyebrow up at Jack. He just smirked. He stuck his free hand out into the air, and in seconds his staff appeared in his hand, Jack wrapped his finger around it. Then he proceeded to walk towards the window. His fingers fumbled for the latch, but soon enough the window opened, revealing the dark night. The black sky was soaked in bright diamond-like stars. The moon was hanging at an angle, it was probably 11 o'clock, judging by the position of it, in the sea of stars.

Suddenly Jack began to jog backwards.

"What are you-?" I was cut off by Jack as he sprinted to the window, lifting himself up off the ground and jumping out of it. My heart stopped. Without hesitation I raced to where Jack had jumped from.

"Jack!" I shouted, but not too loudly. Not wanting to bring attention to myself. Was he crazy? What did he think he was doing?

Jack slowly floated up, his face levelled with mine. I gasped. He was flying. Bringing the staff between his legs he sat on it, like witches sat on their brooms.

"Jack! What the hell where you thinking?!", I huffed angrily," you gave me the fright of my life! I thought you died and-" Jack rested his finger on my lips, immediately stopping my ramble. He patted the space on his staff, next to his.

My jaw drops, "You're not serious, are you?" Jack still doesn't say anything, just does that annoying but super cute half smirk. I sigh, "alright. You win." I laugh.

I place my foot on the ledge, stepping up.

"Catch me if I fall. Okay?" I look at Jack. The ground seems so far away. It probably is. I don't dare to look down and check.

"Of course" Jack nods. As he is helping me onto the staff, my foot slips and I stumble into his arms. My eyes are squeezed shut as I cling to Jack. I hear a laugh vibrating through his chest.

"It's okay, you can open your eyes." Jack chuckles. Slowly I open them. What I see only makes me tighten my hold on Jack. We're floating in the middle of the air, no longer are we beside the school. I find that I'm sitting on Jacks lap. Red colours my cheeks but I don't pull away. When I gain enough confidence, I look around, we're slowly flying off school grounds. This time I don't ask where we're going.

Instead I ask something else, "are you sure you know how to fly this thing?"

"Well, I did have over 300 years to practice" he says. I wait for him to laugh. But his face is completely serious. Does he really mean that he's been practicing for 300 years? Has he been alive that long?

"What do you mean 300 years?" I murmur, looking into his eyes. Jack abruptly looks away.

"I've been like this for 300 years." He says, gritting his teeth. I believe him and wait for him to say more but he doesn't. I can tell that those years were not happy ones. I get the sudden urge to wipe away his sadness with a kiss. But I hold myself back, remembering that I have to get married in less than a week. Of course, I don't tell Jack any of this. I'm glad he didn't ask why I was crying. I appreciate it. That prevents me from telling him my parents are dead. I fear that if I told him, the truth would crash into me knocking me off my feet once again, filling me with depression.

Soon we land beside a lake. After we lift off the staff, Jack bangs it onto the water. In less than a second the lake becomes ice.

"Will you dance with me, my fair lady?" Jack does an over exaggerated bow as he skates onto the ice in his bare feet. As soon as I step onto the ice I realise that I don't need skates, I can move on ice as easily as if I had skates on.

Jack and I dance on the ice together, laughing when the other falls, forming snowballs with our powers and having hilarious snowball fights. I haven't done this since I was eight. With Anna.

I have just formed one in my hand, Jack is looking to his side. Perfect. I through the snowball fast and hard. It hits him in the face and he falls to the ground with a yelp. I laugh as I make my way towards him, "are you alright?" I giggle.

Suddenly my foot hitches of a pile of snow and I squeal as I fall onto Jack. His grunt turns into a fit of laughter.

"I haven't had this much fun in a loooong time" Jack whispers as I roll to his side. Both of us are lying on the frozen lake, looking up at the stars. His hand finds mine and they intertwine.

We face each other, "me neither" I whisper back.

Then his lips are on mine and we are kissing tenderly, but with such a passion that I have never before felt. I have waited for this moment long enough, ever since I had met Jack. Now all this needing and wanting flows into the kiss. His hands are moving down my back and he's on top of me, his lips taste like vanilla ice-cream and he smells like lavender. I run my finger through his silver hair and everything is happening too fast and it's over quicker than I wanted it to be.

After we pull apart we continue to lie on the ice, watching the sun rise. The presence of his lips still tingling on mine.


So that was that. There was more Jelsa action in this chapter and hopefully there will be a lot more if you guys stick around :) I'll try get the next chapter up as soon as I can! Thank you for reading xx

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