Chapter 8: Prince Hans

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Woah! I'm back! Sorry that I've been gone for forever, but I've been having lots of doubts about this story and I was thinking about deleting it... I'm not sure. I've just been under a lot of pressure at school and I don't know if I want to continue with this fanfic... Anyway, enjoy!


Chapter 8

I step into the palace that was the only home I knew for the past 15 years. Here I experienced joy, happiness, what it means to be loved by a family. But I've also experienced sadness, anger, isolation, fear and darkness.

The hall is very dim and the place is quiet. I take a deep breath. Today I will be mourning as my parents are lifted down into the earth. Tomorrow, however, I will be choosing a royal husband that will help me make important decisions for the wellbeing of the kingdom, as I am still not 18, therefore I do not have the privilege to rule over Arendelle, yet. Only 3 more years to go.

* * *

The sky is grey, clouds covering every inch of it. There not a single ray of sunshine. Anna is standing beside me, dressed in a silky black dress, silent tears running down her freckled cheeks.

But I, on the other hand, don't cry at all. Anna is crying because she feels sadness and grief. I don't feel anything. Just numb. Hollow. Like there is no point anymore. In anything.

The grave diggers lower the big oak coffin into the ground, the priest and Anna say their goodbyes. I don't say anything, just nod in the graves direction. Formal. Like I was taught by the people in the coffin. My parents.

A single breath escapes from my lungs.

It's over.

* * *

I peep out from the side of the open door. What lies in front of me is the hall. Filled with many, many people. Dukes and Lords and Generals with their Ladies. Out of all the people that are here, I get to choose out of 5 young men who will be offering me their hand man marriage. I'm shaking with nerves. If only Jack was here. My heart begins to race at the thought of him. Memories of the dancing in the dark and the kiss! Oh kiss! I feel heat stain my cheeks, turning them a tomato red.

Doubt circles my mind. How will I tell him that I'm going to get engaged to some random prince? He knows the feelings I have for him. He'll see this as a betrayal and he will think that I don't love him anymore.

"Elsa!" Someone calls from behind. Bringing me back to reality. It's Anna. She's jogging towards me in a beautiful dress with a black corset and emerald skirt. Her ginger locks tied in a bun at the back of her head. There is a small smile on her freckled face. I know that she is still grieving for our parents. "It's time" she says, slightly breathless.

I nod and walk into the hall.

* * *

 I walk onto a platform which holds 2 thrones. One in the middle and one on the side. The middle one is bigger and made of dark ebony and a purple velvet cushion settles on top. I'm guessing that is where I'll be sitting, so I walk over to it and sit down, looking across the crowd of people in the hall.

Anna positions herself on the smaller throne, beside me.

5 men step out from the crowd.

One is really tall, one is about half my height. Another man is making weird poses, showing of his muscular biceps. How childish. One man looks like he's in his late twenties. A bit too old for me. I turn my gaze away from the men trying to desperately get my attention and focus on a slender man at the end of the line in a formal posture. I wonder if he was taught the same thing my parents taught me. I always had to be polite and formal, never too enthusiastic and always hide my powers no matter what. The man has dark auburn hair and sideburns. His fair skin is dotted with light freckles and has polite green eyes. He is quite handsome. The man notices me and smiles, announcing himself, " Prince Hans Westerguard of the Southern Isles"

I think I just found my prince.

* * *

Fast forward 4 days later. I'm sitting in my dorm room looking at the big heavy diamond ring on my ring finger. Hans gave it to me shortly after we met. And in a month, I will no longer be engaged but married. I let out a long sigh. Beatrice is out practising her abilities. I couldn't go with her. I need to think about so many things now. The ring just feels like a heavy burden.

Suddenly Jack bursts through the door. I'm so surprised that I forget about taking off the ring.

"Jack" I laugh nervously, quickly covering the ring with my other hand. He grins and sits beside me.

"I missed you, love." He whispers, our noses almost touching. My heart races like wild and I feel my face getting hot. He leans in so that our lips are touching. In an instant Jack is on top of me. His lips are sweet and soft and he moans quietly. It's a wonderful sound. I bite his lower lip gently and he chuckles lightly. His tender hands cup my face and then trail down my arms, cupping my palms. Jack stops abruptly.

Oh hell. The ring. He sits up with a frown on his face. I want to kiss it away. I can't. Jack lifts up my hand and examines the ring.

"What's this?" He asks, anger seeping into his voice.

"It's.. I.. Umm.." I really don't know what to say. So I just settle on, "I'm engaged"

"What! To who? Jesus, Elsa, you've only been gone for four days and your already engaged!? What the hell happened?" Jack cries.

"It's not like that!" I say, "it was planned, I have to get married. It's for the kingdom"

Jack gets up and stomps to the door. I jump up from the bed.

He turns to face me, "so what? You're going to go to some handsome prince that will sweep you off your feet, buy you chocolates and flowers and take you on picnics? Do I not matter to you anymore? I thought we were meant for each other! And I'm sorry I'm not some fancy prince, but at least my feelings for you are real!"

He throws the door open and I desperately grab his arm but he rips his hand away. Ouch.

"No Jack! You have to listen to me!" I croak, tears blurring my vision. I can't let him leave.

"I've listened to you plenty"

Then he's gone. Just like I had feared.

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