Chapter 2: Goodbyes & New Beginnings

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Chapter 2

The ship captain yelled at his crew. I hugged my family goodbye one last time before I boarded the ship. The captain came to welcome me aboard and show me where I would be sleeping. I left my luggage beside the bed. The bed was positioned in the corner of the small room. The room itself consisted of a desk with a very elegant looking chair beside it. A bookshelf with some classics. A bedside table with a lamp on top. But the best thing of all was the window. It overlooked the wide stretch of beautiful blue water.

Above me I heard the crew running around the ship like crazy. Yelling things to each other. Rolling barrels around the deck. We must be leaving in a few minutes. So I ran up the wooden steps that brought me up to the deck. My family were standing on the pier. I heard Anna say something to our parents and the she began waving like mad. My parents waved along with her.

The ship began to sail away.

I watched them until they turned into tiny specs in the distance.


It is 7 in the evening when I arrive at the Legerdemain School for Gifted Children. I was on the ship for 8 hours and I feel stiff, I need to move around. There are many other ships at the harbour and I see other people who are obviously students, carrying the baggage and saying farewell to their parents. When I step off the ships deck and into the dock everyone around me ceases their chatter. I hear whispering, murmuring. I catch pieces of quiet conversation.

"Is that Princess Elsa?"

"What is a princess of Arendelle doing here?"

"Isn't she Elsa, the princess?"

"What did she do? Turn her maid into a frog?" Someone smirks. Much worse than that, I think. I almost killed her.

I ignore the gossip that encircles me as I make my wake to the school. Or should I say castle? It looks like something from a Fairytale book. There is a huge silver entrance gate. Flame torches light up the tunnel that goes up to the courtyard. In the courtyard there is a small patch of shrubs, bushes and flowers. Also a pond. And some benches surrounding it.

The walls of the school look like they are made from some kind shimmering silver stones.
I hear the big oak doors, that opened up into the main hall, groan open. As soon as I step inside a small plump woman with grey hair pinned up in a bun greets me.

"Hello, hello. Princess Elsa how lovely it is to meet you! We were so excited to hear that you were joining us at the Legerdemain School for Gifted Children." She exclaims. Her cheeks are similar to red apples. Then she continues to go on about the history of the school, the rules, and eating times.

I just nod, unable to keep up with her constant chatter.

"It's a pleasure to be here, thank you. But please tell," I interrupt her mid sentence, then pause to make sure I don't sound rude, "who are you miss?"

The woman just laughed. The other students continued on their way to their dorms. They smile and wave at the woman. Who is she?

"Oh dear, from all this excitement I forgot to introduce myself. How silly of me. I'm Ms Keane, the headmistress of the school!" She smiled. The she called out into the crowd of students, "Beatrice!"

A dark skinned girls head perked up and she made her way towards us. She was striking. With luscious brown curls, full pink lips and big hazel eyes. She had the perfect figure too.

"Yes Ms Keane?" Beatrice asked. She looked at me and winked. "Hiya newbie." I didn't say anything. Words danced around at the tip of my tongue, but nothing seemed right.

"Beatrice, would you mind showing Princess Elsa of Arendelle to her room. It won't be hard to find. You'll be sharing." Ms Keane chuckled. "Goodbye and good luck dear Elsa" and with the sudden click of her chubby fingers she disappeared into thin air. Her chuckle still a quiet echo. I was bewildered.

Beatrice just laughed and said, "Don't worry, she does that all the time. Follow me." Beatrice gestured towards a hall on our right.

I lifted my bag strap up onto my shoulder and followed Beatrice. The halls were almost empty now. All the students have found their dorms and are settling in. Except for me. I feel like I don't belong here. A movement in the shadows catches my eye. I turn my head abruptly to the source. There stood a boy with white hair. I stopped walking and turned towards him. I stared at him. His eyes were a mesmerising blue. The most interesting thing about him was that he had a staff. I wonder what it was for. He had a mischievous grin plastered on his face.

I frowned. Was it me or was he slightly floating above the grou-?

Beatrice's voice stirred me from my thoughts.

"You comin' princess?" She called. I turned back to her and apologised.

"Sorry, just looking around." I said sheepishly.

I continued down the hall. I looked back quickly expecting to see the boy standing there.

But he was gone.

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