Chapter 9: Betrayed

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Chapter 9

Jack and I have not been talking at all for the past few days. Beatrice is worried sick about me because I haven't been eating much or sleeping. All I can think about is the hurt look on Jacks face. Since then I have not worn my engagement ring once. It brings back Jacks stinging words everytime I look at it. At the end of this week I have to go back to Arendelle to make some wedding arangements with Hans. In less than a month we're getting married and the thought of getting dressed up and fancied for someone I don't love makes me sick. Hans is a great guy and all, but he's definitely not Jack.

"I think you should talk to Jack," Beatrice tells me. She's sitting on her bed snapping her fingers. Everytime she clicks them and flicker of flames appear from her fingertips. "He's probably as miserable as you are". I decide that she's right.

* * *

Fifteen minutes later I'm walking down Jacks corridor. I remeber he once told me his room was behind the very last door on the left. I walk down the corridor confidently rehearsing what I am going to say to him, in my head, "I'm sorry I lashed out like that, the engagement means nothing to me, it's only for the kingdom" etc..

As I near the door, I hear someone talking from the other side.

"Please, this is important to me, I need to know." Pleads a female voice.

"Look, I'm kinda seeing someone, won't this be weird. Aren't there other guys?" That, I recognise as Jacks voice. Who is he talking to?

"I know there are other guys, but I can't take it anymore, not knowing who I am! You were always the nicest guy I'm my class and I think it'd be wrong if I didn't do it with someone I felt comfortable with, you know?" The female voice asks.

"Clementine, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but this would be wrong for me since I'm with someone. It just won't feel ri-" Jacks voice is cut off. My palms begin to sweat. I remember Clementine from my first day of lessons, here at Legerdemain. What are they talking about?

Instead of knocking I burst the door open. I feel a pang in my chest as soon as I see what is going on in the room. Jack and Clementine are sitting on the bed. Clementines lovely long pale hair is tied in a braid that is decorated with bright colourful flowers. Kinda ironic since her powers are based on the earth. I remember she was a self centred brat, that was my first impression of her anyway. Now she's gripping Jacks hand as she shoves her tongue down his throat. I gasp and a lump forms in my throat. In an instant Jack is jumping off Clementine with a guilty look in his eyes.

Clementine on the other hand doesn't look bothered at all. Only slightly surprised, and amused.

I try to force words out of my mouth, even though the lump in my throat is making it very difficult, tears sting my eyes as I look at Jack.

"Looks like I'm interrupting something," I say, sounding more in control of myself than I really am.

"No, no, no, no! Elsa this isn't what you think!" Jack says, panic clear in his voice, he's shaking his head, messing up his hair, which I have the inappropriate urge to run my fingers through.

"I think it's pretty clear what's happening here, Jack"

"No please, let me explain! I swear I can explain just give me a chance!" Jacks voice grows full of desperation. He tries grabbing my hands but I push him away, shocked and angry thaat he would betray me like this. "It's not what it looks like! I know that sounds horribly cliché but it's true! Don't you trust me, Elsa?" A flicker of hurt flashes across his eyes. As if I'm the one doing something wrong here.

I feel the tears threatening to fall, "I don't want your lame explanations. I don't care what you have to say to me, because I did trust you and you just threw it all away. I thought this" I gesture to the both of us, "meant something to you. I came back here to apologise for not telling you about the engagement, to tell you that you mean everything to me! I don't want to see you again. Don't talk to me anymore, just don't come near me, at all!" I snarl at him and storm out of the room.

My eyes water, blurring my vision as I run back to my dorm room. As soon as I fling the door open, I begin to pack my bags. I can't stay here anymore.

"What do you think you're doing?" Beatrice asks, stunned.

I don't have to be in Arendelle by the end of the week, but I don't think anyone would care if I came a few days early. School can wait and I need to get my mind off this whole situation and I think wedding planning would do the trick.

"I'm going to Arendelle, don't ask me how, I'll find a way" I say, determined.

"Why?" Beatrice asks, still stunned.

"Ask Jack" I mumble, throwing a bag over my shoulder and running out of the room.

* * *

Hans welcomes me with open arms after asking me how on earth I got here. I alternate the story a bit, leaving out the part about how I used my powers to threaten the sailors on a ship that was bringing in supplies for the school. Hans must not know about my powers. And he thinks the Legerdemain School is just a plain old boring boarding school.

Hans takes me up to my old room and helps me settle in, then he sits down beside me on my four poster bed. His big warm hands wrap around mine.

"Dear Elsa, do tell me what's wrong. Since you got here, you've had a look of pure sorrow"

I sigh, "it's a long story, Hans. I'd rather not think about it now"

Hans pushes a strand of my loose hair behind my ear. "Let me help you get your mind off it then." he whispers, leaning so close to me that our the tips of our noses are touching. I look into his warm dark green eyes. They draw me in closer, our lips are millimetres apart and not a second later, our lips meet and I am engulfed in Hans' warmth as his big arms wrap around me and we fall onto the bed. His kisses trail down my neck, making my stomach fill with butterflies. Somewhere deep inside of me a voice is yelling "STOP, THIS IS WRONG!" but I ignore it.

A few minutes into our kissing session there is a knock on the door. I sigh, aggravated.

"That would be the drinks I ordered, a celebration of your arrival, and our wedding of course" Hans says, smiling as he gets off the bed and fixes his shirt and white jacket.

Behind the door there is a servant holding a tray with a pair of tall champagne glasses on top. He puts the tray down on the small table bedside the unlit fireplace and ushers himself out of the room. Hans brings me a glass as I sit up and we clink them together.

"To Arendelle" says Hans.

"To Arendelle" I repeat taking a big gulp. Suddenly, my eyelids grow heavy and I begin feeling very sleepy, even though I was full of adrenaline a few minutes ago. The setting around me begins to blur and I loose my balance and collapse back onto the bed. What's going on? Why am I suddenly so dizzy?

Then everything goes black.

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