Chapter twenty four: Crash

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CAT IS BEING A LITTLE BITCH NOW. GET. YOUR. FOOT. OFF. MY. FACE. Also everything in italics is memory. The past is important isn't it?

Oh. Like a month. It's Halloween ish.

Chris frowned at the food in front of him. He truly wasn't hungry. He pushed the plate away, shaking his head. "I can't."

"Chris, you have to eat. You've lost a lot of weight."

"I just... I don't feel hungry."

"He was eating fine a couple weeks ago." Ryan sighed, looking at Kuza.

"Chris, your doctor said if you don't eat then we go to the hospital."

"I can't! I don't feel hungry!" Chris yelled. He gasped as Kuza yanked him out the chair. "No. No hospitals." He whimpered. "It's... It's raining. We can't go if it's raining!"

"Chris, I'm not fighting with you about this." Kuza growled. "You aren't eating like you should be and you're... You're gonna die."

"I'll be a good boy. I'll eat. I promise I'll eat it all." Chris whimpered. He struggled as Kuza and Ryan tried to get his jacket and shoes on. He quickly bit Kuza's hand, whimpering as he fell to the floor. Chris scrambled to his feet, running upstairs. He cried out as Ryan tackled him to the floor.

"Chris! You need to calm down!"

"No ride." Chris cried. "I'm sorry mommy!" Ryan tensed up, his eyes wide.

"Kuza did you..."

"I did. He still needs to go but we have to be calm." Kuza sighed. "Chrissy, look at me. Do I look like your mommy?"


"How far did he regress? Is this even age regression?"

"He's stuck in the past. I'm getting him to a therapist soon."

"That's good." Ryan whispered. "What do we do now?"

"Get off him." Ryan was quick to listen. Kuza gently pulled Chris to his knees. "What happened?"

"Sh-She... oh Angelo." Chris whimpered.

"What's the date?" Ryan whispered.

"The twentieth. Why?"

"Angelo died today." Ryan muttered. "Keep him there. I'll be right back." He left, heading into Kuza's playroom.

"Chris, who's Angelo?" Chris looked up at with tear filled eyes.

"My daddy." Chris whispered. He sniffled, looking down at the black carpet. "He's dead. I killed him."

"Angelo took care of Chris every time Gaia beat him." Ryan stated. He knelt behind Chris, quickly cuffing the man's wrists. "She'd take him for he drives and... shit Chris. I'm sorry."

"I want Angelo." Chris sobbed. "Angel will save me. He always saves me."

"Not anymore Chrissy. It's just Kuza and I now. We'll save you sweetie."

"No. No drives." Chris begged. "Please no."

"Get his anxiety medicine." Ryan snapped. Kuza quickly did as told. He was coming to realize he didn't truly know the broken man at all.

"No!" Chris screamed, kicking at Ryan. He let out loud cry as he was forced onto his back. Both men worked to shove two pills past Chris's teeth and down his throat. Chris sobbed, his make up streaming down his cheeks.

"There we go. Let's get him to the hospital." Ryan panted.

Chris closed his eyes as his pills took affect. He was soon left to darkness and memories.

**GIR**(domestic abuse beyond this point)

Chris smiled as he nuzzled the woman's neck. She was on her back, watching the tv. The bachelor was on. Chris rested his head on top of her breasts, closing his eyes. He was almost asleep when his phone buzzed. He let out a soft yawn as he grabbed it. He smiled at the sight of Angelo's name.

"Who is it?" The woman snapped.


"I told you to stop fucking talking to him!" Chris flinched from her. He hated when she got angry. He always hurt afterward.

"M-Mommy, I'm-Im sorry. He-He..."

"I don't care Chris! You're a bad boy." She growled. Chris covered his face as he shoved him off her. He heard her sock clad feet pad around the room. He knew what she was getting. He hated it but he thought he deserved it. Mommy was never wrong.

"Mommy, please not that. I-I'll do the thing mommy likes."

"You disgust me." She stated as she grabbed a special type of plug. "Drop you pants and get over here right now."

Chris whimpered as he did as told. Chris was taller than her by a good half a foot. He could fight back. He could stop this but mentally he wasn't able to. He had to depend on someone and she was his only constant besides Angelo. Chris slowly laid on his back, gripping the sheets.

"Mommy..." he pleaded, not wanting a punishment.

"Shut up. If you're going to whore yourself around then I'll show you how I treat whores." She snit.

Chris whimpered as she pushed the the skinny plug into his penis. He whined, looking away from her. He quickly pushed his thighs together, his cheeks a deep red. "Mommy I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't keep your dick out of other people!" She yelled. "If you come out of little space I swear I'll let my friends fuck that tight little ass of yours. They'll stretch it out nice and good for me."

"Sowwy mommy." Chris whispered. He tilted his head back as the woman roughly stroked him.

"You have no where to go Chris. I suggest you be a good boy from now on." She growled as he let go of Chris's dick. It flopped against the man's stomach, the metal hoop of the plug cold against his skin. "You're getting fat again. You're only eating dinner till you lose the weight."

"Yes mommy. I love you mommy."

"I know. You're sleeping with the plug in understand?"

"Yes mam."


Penis plug: Tiny plug that can be put in a male's urethra (penis) for added stimulation for in Chris's case to just torture the poor man.

I have issues tbh.

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