The beginning <3

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Amanda and Caleb, the dynamic duo, partners in crime, yin and yang. They couldn't be separated not even for a day. It all began when their mothers met in high school, they are best friends too so you could guess how they got so close. If Amanda wasn't at Jason's house Jason was at Amanda's house. They have even spent the night at each other's houses. You all would probably thing they did something but actually, they never did anything out of order. They thought it was awkward if something ever happened between them... like that.

Amanda's Interview

Caleb? My brother from another mother, my partner in crime, my fake boyfriend at times. Listen I know what most of you are thinking, "Oh my god how are you two not together?" Our answer is we are fine being best friends. I don't think all boy and girl best friends automatically have to be together, its stupid! Caleb is mine and only mine though, just to get that clear to any girls. He has been hurt many times already, we don't need one of you to do it again. Have I ever felt anything for Caleb? No, and I don't plan to but if I had to marry him to keep him away from getting hurt I will haha... 

Caleb's Interview

Amanda? Haha my girl, how I love her. She is one of the most jealous, crazy but loving people I have in my life. She may get on my nerves at times but I couldn't live without her, she is my completing piece. If we have ever been together? No, everyone always asks that but you know it's not necessary. I love Amanda and all but if I ever was with her it would be Awkward, don't ask me why. "Amanda said you were hers, is that true?" one of the producters told me. Haha so like Amanda, and yea I don't think I can be with anyone else besides her , so technically yea I kind of am hers. Have I ever felt anything for her? I have no answers to that...

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