The time is almost here...

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Amanda's POV

So... Caleb didn't take the moving any good, it's been 3 whole days we haven't talked... I miss him. I have left over 100 messages and he won't respond one, I have called him 50 times and they all go to voicemail. I tried visiting his house but he was never home. This was getting weird now, Caleb wasn't anywhere in the neighborhood, it was like he was avoiding me until I left. Would he really let me leave me without saying good bye? I hope he doesn't because I would probably be very mad at him. I've been looking for Caleb all morning in all of his favorite spots and he was in none of them... I thought in calling the cops because Caleb was literally off the grid and he would never do that without telling me anything. Just as I was going to call the police my wallpaper had a picture of us in one place I hadn't checked....the roof of the abandoned building next to my house. I ran to it and ran up the stairs all the way to the top and as I opened the door I heard and loud bang as If I hit someone, and that's exactly what happened. I hit Caleb right on the forehead, I was going to check if he was ok but he was awake so I just sat next to him... he gave me that smile and I knew we were going to be ok, I could feel it. Even though I was moving we were going to be just fine, he just needed some time to think... I'm glad I found him though I couldn't leave without seeing him a couple last times... I need him more than ever. I ranted and promised things to him and he seemed to be ok with it, he was smiling. I felt relieved that Caleb was more open to the idea of me moving. Even though on the outside I seemed excited on the inside I felt empty and I haven't even moved yet... I missed him... and he was right there....

Caleb's POV

It's been 3 days... I haven't spoke a word to Amanda and yea I miss her, a lot. I just needed time to think that's all. She has flooded my phone in messages and calls and I just... can't talk to her right now... I'm going to lose the completing piece to my puzzle... It was to much to process... So I may have decided to avoid her for a little bit. I went to our favorite building to think and i was there ALL DAY thinking how I could convince Amanda's mom to stay here. Nothing came to mind though...I was feeling broken down, I felt like a doll with missing pieces... This was probably the worst news I have had in my ENTIRE life... After a while I fell asleep on the roof and took a 5 hour nap, I woke up with no messages and no calls from Amanda... I was kind of worried, what if she doesn't think I care, I stood up quickly and was looking over the edge of the building towards her house and her room light was off but her window was open , so I began to run down the stairs and I bumped into someone right at the door but since I hit my head everything was a blur for  a couple of minutes. As I regained consciousness someone was next to me so I took a look and well, it was Amanda... and I felt kind of happy to see her after those longs days without seeing each other. I felt at peace... I guess this is all I needed... to see her again... She laid on my lap and began to rant about how she was going to stay in touch with me and that she will never let anyone replace me and that she will visit me every summer. As I heard all of this I thought, It must be a for sure thing then... and held silence and just smiled, even though inside I was drowning in my own sadness... all I had in mind though was if it made her happy I was happy...

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