This can't be true...

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Amanda's POV

It was the next morning and i was in my bed... next to Caleb... he's an adorable sleeper... I could watch him all day but I had to at least make him breakfast for all the bullshit I made him go through. So I got up, grabbed my crutches and then I remember, I have to go down a flight of stairs... "shiiiiittttt" I thought to myself. I throw my crutches down the stairs and grab on to the railing and hop myself down the stairs. I grab my crutches and I head to the kitchen and grabs the necessary ingredients I needed for his breakfast, but it was kinda hard managing being on one leg and balancing. I tried... and failed... I fell and made so much noise Caleb ran downstairs and came to my aid. He laughed because there was eggs all over me and I had a mad face..."Girl you could've just asked for help" he said picking me up. I looked at him and was still kinda mad because it was supposed to be a surprise. He sat me on the sofa and cleaned the egg off of me and kissed my forehead. "I'll make breakfast." he said smiling at me. I began to get butterflies and I never felt that way with Caleb... I don't like the feeling but at the same time I do. He makes breakfast and we eat on the couch and watch the morning shows... aka spongebob... He cleans everything up and we continue to watch our shows... then he tells me that he was going to shower and that he was going to be right back, so he leaves and I sit there watching... then there was a knock on the door, I stand and go answer and BAM i get hit with a bat. I was on the floor bleeding and some guy drags me to a car. I try yelling but he had a rag over my mouth. He put me in the trunk locked it and drove off, I tried getting out but it was no use. After an hour he stopped and took me out and carried me inside an apartment. He sat me in a chair and told me that he works for Tyler and that he was told to end my life for ruining his, I begin to panic and he looks at me and tells me to quiet down that he has a proposition for me. "You have to get off the grid move, and get out of his sight because he will not rest until you are dead." were the exact words this man used. I asked him why he hit me with a bat if he was going to give me the proposition anyway, "You weren't going to get in the car with me so I made it easy." I looked at him with a serious face and he smiled. After that he untied me and took me home, and of course the cops were there. I get off, walk in and Caleb hugs me tightly in tears. He asked what happened to me and I just told him I went for a walk... with my crutches. He saw my head and I told him I hit a curb because I missed a step with my crutches and well you know the rest. The cops left and Caleb was cleaning my wounds. For some reason this felt like we were together and honestly I kinda want to be. He has cared more about me than any other guy I have EVER been with and now I kind of realized something that I should've realized a ling time ago... i am honestly in love with my best friend... I love him and I want to be with him... but I can't possibly make the first move... can I? Nahh I don't think I can it doesn't look right for a girl to ask first... it makes me seem needy... so I guess I'll have to wait...

Caleb's POV

Today was an odd morning... I got woken by the sound of falling pans in the kitchen, not thinking I jump out of bed and think someone broke in and is trying to hurt Amanda, but it turns out it was just Amanda trying to make me a special breakfast. It didn't turn out her way and instead of it being in a plate it was all over her, I pick her up and clean out the egg from her hair and she seemed kind of upset because she wanted it to be something special, but just having her with me was special enough. I made her breakfast and we sat down and watched all the shows from our childhood, it was great. It was getting late and we were two couch potatoes so I decided to take a shower and I took a little longer than I should've. When I came out Amanda was gone and the door was wide open, I was calm at first but then i couldn't find her anywhere and that's when I began to panic. I called the police and a search team was already set for her and the whole neighborhood wan in the look for her. I cried, I yelled... I just wanted her back... I was scared... I sat and waiting as the police searched. After an hour they all came back with nothing... I called her cell but it was at home... my stomach turned and I felt sick for some reason... it took a dark turn and I threw up. The police laid me down and gave me water and told me to rest, I obviously couldn't... I sat up and I went towards the door and just as I opened there she was... with blood at her head. I hugged her so tight and I asked countless questions, she looked tired and I was extremely grateful she was okay. She told me she went for a walk and that she hit her head on a curb but the cut was deep so I didn't know weather to believe her or not. I cleaned her and I cuddled her... I was happy the way we were turning... and we aren't even together... yet... I know it sounds crazy but these last couple weeks we have been together have made me realize that I am in love with this girl... I really need her in my life... I don't want anyone else... but I feel like she doesn't feel the same way so that's why I have curved the question so many times... I guess I'll have to wait for the right time to ask... I just hope I won't be too late and someone else will take my place.

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