The Big Step!

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Caleb's POV

So last night went more than perfect for me and Amanda but even though we confessed we weren't....official one would say. that was the only thing left to do but I didn't want to make it feel like I'm rushing things so I'd rather wait like a month to ask the question... which was going to pain me. Patience is key as I say to myself, I know that I won't lose her. That day we weren't so productive, we literally were the entire day watching movies on the couch and just hanging, which was perfect and all but when you run out of movies its kind of boring. So I ask Amanda if she wanted to do something because we literally have seen everything on netflix. She said that she was out of money and that everything around was expensive, but I honestly was really bored. So I checked my bank account and guess what... my parent's gave me a five hundred dollar deposit, which was kind of weird because I left without there permission and I haven't really called them so those five hundred dollars mean something. So I offered to take Amanda out for some lazer tag which was the closest thing they had. She at first didn't want to because she said I would be wasting my money but I obviously wasn't taking no for an answer. So I forced her to get dressed and I got dressed myself and In an hour we were both surprisingly ready. So we head out and we both talk about how excited we were to play lazer tag and well it wasn't a long drive because as I said it was ironically the only entertainment place close by. We head in and I pay for us to play, we put on out gear and i see two guys looking at Amanda and whispering to each other. I, as the calm man I am instead of making a big deal out of it i just stand in front to Amanda as if I was going to talk to her. We play for like two hours and I had to use the bathroom so bad so I told Amanda to wait at the door while I went, I swear I was in that bathroom for like three minutes and when I walk out these two guys are all over Amanda. I almost lost my shit, I walk over and yell out, "GET THE FUCK OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!" Then they began to talk all this bs that they didn't know and that they were sorry and walked off. Amanda looked at me and laughed, I asked her why and she refused to answer which made my blood boil a bit. When we got in the car I asked again but she didn't budged which kinda made me mad. Then at a stop light she just said out of no where, "I love it when you're jealous." I didn't even go on green, I just looked at her and said, "Jealous?" with a smile. She nodded and said that I was so jealous back at the lazer tag place. Since we were headed to eat I told Amanda we were eating inside, just to discuss the "issue". So we sat down and she just looked at me and said, "Soooooo, since when am I your girlfriend, that's new to me?" I'm not kidding, I swear I almost spit my water out. I had no words towards what she said, but what she said was incredible... " Well if your going to be announcing everywhere that we are something we might as well make it official." My heart dropped I had no words... but I smiled at the same time because I din't want to seem so dry towards the situation. We then got our food and I told her that I didn't want to ask because I didn't want her to feel rushed and she just came out and said, "So do you want to be my boyfriend, like officially?" and my god I was so fucking surprised but I couldn't respond I was so in shock, words wouldn't come out. SO instead, I just nodded and she kissed my forehead. People must be like "Ohh you should have asked first, BULLSHIT!" I'm glad she had more guts to ask me than I did.

Amanda's POV

Today was really a lazy day for Caleb and I, I really didn't feel like doing anything and we kind of did that all day. Watch movies and just chill, yea just chill. It was great until Caleb wanted to go out because he was "bored" I honestly thought just watching movies was more than perfect but Caleb wanted to go out. At first I made up an "excuse" that I didn't have money even tho half of it was true he still offered to take me out because he had money. So I kind of didn't want to but it's Caleb, he wasn't taking no for an answer so I had to go obviously. I got dressed and we headed out and it wasn't a long ride because it was to my nearest lazer tag place which was great because we got more time to play. So when we walked in Caleb paid for everything and two guys were looking my way and Caleb surely noticed it and I KNEW he didn't like it. How did I know? You could see it in his face and also he stood in front of me, it was cute to see him jealous. Anyway we played and I was hungry so I told Caleb I wanted to eat and of course he pleases me but before we left he had to use the restroom and the two exact same guys came by and since they saw me alone they sat next to me and began to talk to me and at that moment Caleb came out of the bathroom and when he saw the guys around me he got mad and yelled at them. It was funny the way he was when other guys were around me.  The part that kind of shook me was when he called me his girlfriend and to my knowledge we weren't official. So when he asked me why I was laughing and I denied telling him he got mad and it made me laugh more. Then I did something very devious, out of no where I tell him how cute he was when he was jealous and he didn't even go on a green light. He then tried to deny that he was jealous, but he wasn't done there... he just had to have me sit at the restaurant we were eating. When we sat down I then brought out why he called me his girlfriend and he was just out of words. Then I asked him if he wanted to be official with me and again, out of words so I was like so fuck it. I asked him if he wanted to be my boyfriend and of course he said yes. It was great because now, my best friend the one I wanted to be mine is now mine and nobody can say otherwise.

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