Where's Caleb?

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Amanda's POV

I was here...Orlando Florida. My new home, the place I was going to be for the rest of my life. I couldn't believe it. My new house at night was totally different  than at day. Anyway that was besides the point, today was the day we were going to get organized inside my new house, We got loads of boxes out of the car and we set them in the "living room". I grabbed all of my boxes and set them in my room, my empty room... well until my bed arrived and all of my other stuff. I began on basics though, my clothes in hangers and my shoes in the closet. As I finished that I saw a box that had "memories" written on it. I sat next to it and opened it, the first thing I saw was a note. The note read; 

"Amanda, my best friend, my sister, my partner in crime, I don't know how long it will be until we see each other again, but I want you to know no matter how much distance we have I will be there for you, I will be proud of you, and I will protect you. Make new friends, have fun and don't worry about me, I'll be just fine, I just need some adjusting. I love you, be good and please try to keep your head up high.

                                                                       Your best friend, Caleb. <3

My eyes began to tear up, so I decided to call Caleb. First try, no answer, I thought he might have been sleeping so I tried again. No answer again, I didn't worry so I texted him and told him to call me later. It was 9 hours since that message and I didn't get anything from Caleb, I called his mom and I asked her about him and her response was dreadful, "Amanda!!! I have no idea where my baby boy is... He doesn't answer my calls and he is no where to be found! I'm starting to think he left because of you!" I had no response, I couldn't believe my ears, I began to cry and I hung up on Caleb's mom. I sat in my room and thought the worst but for some reason I had a feeling he was okay and that I had nothing to worry about. I tried calling him again and again and I couldn't reach him. As I sat there defeated, wanting to hear from my best friend I saw our first pictures all the way to our last one and I felt mixed feelings so instead of torturing myself any longer I stood up and right as I was about to leave my room I heard my phone ring. instead of walking to it like a normal person, I lunged to it and the caller ID was "Caleb<3" and I answered it. I said, "Hello Caleb? Are you Okay?" and he was silent for a few seconds until he finally told me, "Yea I'm fine I just needed a couple days alone." I asked him why he hadn't gone to his house and I had no response. You could tell Caleb wasn't okay, just by his voice, he didn't have his usual joyful voice when we talked. So I asked him one more time, "Are you sure you're okay?" and he hung up. I tried calling back but it seemed he turned his phone off. I was kind of mad but I felt bad for him because Caleb was hurt... I left him alone... he needs me... and I can't be there. I felt like the worst best friend in humanity. My parents called me down to eat and even though I didn't feel like it I went and ate a little took a fast shower and went to bed because tomorrow was my first day of school. Well I at least tried to go to sleep, which was kind of impossible because I was constantly thinking of Caleb and how he isn't at his house. i wondered where he was and if he was safe and it was eating my mind all night long. At 3 am I finally managed to get my mind off of things and fall asleep. 

The next day rolled along and I was exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open. I went downstairs and my parents were already long gone. It figures, I was late for the first day. it was 7:15 and my mom left a note on the counter. It said;

"Your keys are on the hook next to the door, your lunch is in the fridge and we left you money on the table. Have a good first day baby girl!"

                                                                                 Love Mom & Dad <3

So already late for school, I get in my car and head off to my new school. I wasn't nervous or anything but I knew that I wasn't going to find anyone as good as Caleb. Right as the bell rang for first period I heard my phone ring and it was a text from Caleb that read, "Good luck on your first day! Love you and miss you". I was glad he sent me that, I felt more confident going in my class now. First period was math, great my favorite class... Smell the sarcasm yet? I sat down in the far back and everyone seemed to be starring at me, of course. Then the teacher came in, his name was "Mr. Rosario" iconic, I know. He was nice an all but his class was awfully boring, well it was math what more can you ask for. So I sat there as he taught Geometry and then my phone rang, and it was Caleb's mom. I asked to go to the bathroom and I picked it up and she sounded worried. "Amanda, It's been 2 weeks! Where's my son! He hasn't come back since you left! What have you done!" I told her I have been talking to him and that he was okay only that I didn't know where he was. She didn't seem to care about my words she just thought I took Caleb from her. She then yelled, "If my son isn't home by tomorrow night I will tell the police you took him from me!" and she hung up. I was in the bathroom in total shock. What has Caleb gotten me into?  

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