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Here's the story you've been waiting for, folks.
Today at lunch in the beginning I was only sitting with UniPegasus214 , and she was hungry. She went to the vending machine and she got a pop tart.
Let me say on behalf her, this was outrageous. There was only ONE. And it was WHOLE WHEAT. Like come on. Who would eat that?
Anyway, she completely disregards this because, she's hungry, so first she tries to open it, but she can't so she uses her teeth which gives a result of spitting out plastic.
She takes a bite of the pop tart and she has this face that tells you "I'm hungry but I'm eating crap, is this worth it really", or maybe I just read expressions very well.
I take a little bit and it has a taste of tastelessness, artificial strawberry, and rice. I don't like rice. So this wasn't for me.
"This tastes like ass." I say.
"Artificial ass."
WillowWolf1000 comes in and we explain what happened and we explain what artificial ass is.
[Background information: We (uni, Willow, madhatter895, goatsareboss, and I) have a band called Neon Pigeon. We have made a couple of songs.]
And then we make up this story.
So Willow left our band, and she started a new band called Artificial Ass. We are in a rivalry.

Artificial Ass music is on Apple Music now! Go check it out.

I'm joking please don't children. 

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